“Zambia is slowly been taken away by foreigners,” cries Leadership Movement President Dr. Richard Silumbe
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*Zambia is slowly been taken away by foreigners*
As a 21st Century Government – The Leadership Movement we have noted with concern lack of land ownership to our cizitens.
Today, we are seen thousand of hectares been auctioned to foreigners in the name of Investors.
As we observe the African Freedom Day – we challenge our cizitens to rise up, dust yourselves and learn from country we call great nations that developed themselves and gave land ownership with title deeds to there own cizitens so that they can own land, access loans and be able Invest.
It is the fact that since Independence this currently situation has not given our farmers, youths and freedom fighters a piece of mind.
Due to lack of land ownership with Title deeds this is making our farmers depend on Government as regards to Farmers Input Support Programme ( FISP)
In 2021, The Leadership Movement as we observe the African Freedom Day we wish to see no farmers dependent on FISP but have access to land ownership, which allow them walk into the bank, get a loan buy inputs on time, perpare the land for the next farming season.
Fellow country men and women the choice is here – as the Leadership Movement we are a Political party with a vision and mission to deliver a great Zambia to the future generation.
*Issued by*
*Dr. Richard Silumbe*
*The Leadership Movement ( LM)*

Dr. Richard Silumbe*
*The Leadership Movement ( LM)*