Open Letter to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu from Judith Kabemba Monday 18 May 2020 Re: economic instability, political violence and hate being perpetrated by the PF
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Monday 18th May 2020
Mr President Sir,
Few are the rights but many are the wrongs that your government has done since you assumed office in 2015.
Your government has caused pain and anguish in the lives of many innocent Zambians. You have dissapointed many that believed in you Sir.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Vice President Inonge Mutukwa-Wina
The day you decided to bring back your MMD allies who Zambians fought to remove from power with Mr Sata and you further went on to favour foreigners especially the Chinese over your own people that voted for you was the day Zambians concluded that you did not mean well for them.
Mr President Sir, our young brothers have turned into drunkards and move about in the streets aimlessly because of lack of employment and opportunities for equal empowerment.
Our young girls roam the streets every night looking for who they can sell their bodies to for survival, whether protected or not it does not matter any more as long as they get a coin to buy food or glycerine.
My heart bleeds to see such energetic lives being wasted.
Mr President, remember these are the very youths that voted for you , the very youths you promised to give jobs and empowerment once voted into power.
You are left with very few months before you leave office and its clear that this promise just like many other promises, will not be fulfilled.
Zambians did not realise that the 500,000 Jobs you promised the youths was to be found in MTN, Airtel and Celz bothes and also to be employed in political violence.
Instead of providing jobs and empowerment for these young people, your government and your party Sir has opted to turn our brothers into thugs.
Please your Excellency, have mercy on their parents who once had hope in their children growing up into responsible citizens.
Mr President, PF has done more harm than good to the youths during your leadership.
I fear that the continued political violence being perpetrated by PF if left unchecked will soon cause anarchy and civil strife in this nation.
Mr President Sir, the economy of Zambia is leaping because of the many wrong decisions you have made that do not favour the Zambian people.
The many corruption allegations that your government has been identified with have tone apart our economy and wasted our natural resources that we could have used profitably.
The hardships that civil servants, contractors, marketeers , tax drivers, farmers simply put, majority Zambians are going through is unbearable.
You need to shift from being a President for foreigners especially the chinese to being a Zambian President who will protect and favour his own people.
Mr President Sir, Zambians are still waiting for answers to the gassing that happened just before covid 19.
We still want to know the chemical which was being used by the criminals. Avail the masterminder who your minister said had been arrested to the nation.
Mr President, lives were lost and people were traumatised during the gassing period hence this matter cannot just go like this. We need justice to prevail.
Mr President, You have this one last chance to serve the people of Zambia before you leave office in 2021 and please Sir, do not attempt to seek a third term. Leave the stage while the minority can desire to shake your hand.
May I Mention Your Excellency that Zambians have been tormented enough by the economic hardships, tribalism, lack of media freedom, infringement on human rights, corruption etc brought about by your government and we cannot continue to be tormented at the sight of our brothers becoming thugs and being used in political violence, at the sight of the 4th estate being humiliated by cadres each day.
The attacks on opposition political parties is sending a bad picture about your leadership. It signals a tone of dictatorial tendecies in your leadership style. We are in a democracy Sir and multi party system.
Hence, I appeal to your conscious Sir, to please allow these systems to operate. I believe there a number of key notes to emulate from President Mwanawasa in this regard. We need sanity.
Mr President, apart from the poor Zambians, you have gone ahead to injure emotionally the many people that made PF, the people on whose shoulders you stood to get were you are sir, whose sweat you and many others who were not there are enjoying today including those that insulted Mr Sata and this seems not to bother you Sir. Why? Just Why Sir?.
The bible is unequivocal when it comes to the command of living at peace with all men.
Mr President you are not at peace with many men. Make amends before you leave office in 2021 because life outside politics especially after leaving office can be so lonely as seen before
This time sir, please forget about those that surround you that tell you lies. They told the same lies to your predecessors.
For Gods sake Mr President, put aside politics and serve our beloved country. You have an inescapable responsibility of restoring peace, confidence, unity and tranquillity in this country.
May I mention Sir, that many Zambians have heard that you have developed a habit of ignoring what people say because you are in power, I pray that you will not only see Judith Kabemba in this issue and ignore it, but I pray that you see a voice speaking for many Zambians that are waiting to see you act on these matters
I and many other Zambians await your action Sir.
Regards Mr President
Judith Kabemba