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Fellow countrymen and women,
My Government, through the Ministry of Health, has continued to effectively implement the COVID-19 Contingency and Response Plan by heightening surveillance and contact tracing; while undertaking mass screening and testing within communities and points of entry, among others.
The above-mentioned continuous COVID-19 interventions where undertaken in the last 24 hours, and revealed that; Zambia recorded zero (0) COVID-19 positive cases during the period (i.e. the last 24 hours). The country has 39 active cases of COVID-19 in admission and receiving treatment.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu in a presidential stride
I am heartened by the five (05) new recoveries from COVID-19 which were recorded in the last 24 hours.
Fellow Citizens, yesterday, 24th April 2020; I cautiously guided the nation concerning the commencement of specific public gatherings and activities subject to: meeting all COVID-19 preventative guidelines and regulations, and obtaining certification from Public Health officials.
Let me emphasise that, my Government has not and will not depart from implementing science-led and evidence-based COVID-19 preventative measures, guidelines and regulations.
Therefore, the above-mentioned order for the commencement of some public gatherings and activities was neither a blanket one nor an opportunity to abrogate COVID-19 preventative measures, guidelines and regulations. This shall not be allowed to happen in Zambia.
Fellow citizens, in conclusion, let me reiterate what I said during my Third COVID-19 Address to the Nation yesterday, 24th April, 2020:
” Failure to adhere to the Public Health Regulations, Guidelines and Certification, will attract penalties including revoking of licences at any given time. I am therefore directing Law Enforcement Agencies to pursue any offenders (i.e. Barbershops and Salons, Golf and Tennis events, and Places of Worship). The general public are equally encouraged to report any cases of non-adherence to these measures to relevant Authorities. Let us be each other’s gate keepers.”
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