Bishop Evans Chinyemba acknowledges C & S Investments Ltd. philanthropy
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“On behalf of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops, I sincerely thank C&S Investments Limited for yet again making another donation to the Catholic Church. The Coronavirus may manage to kill our bodies but will never kill our souls. Let us pray that we may have enough faith to completely trust God, who is the author of life,” said an elated Bishop Evans Chinyemba

C and S Investments Ltd Representative George Chellah, Bishop Evans Chinyemba, Zambia Conference of Caholic Bishops (ZCCB) Secretary General (SG) Father Cleophas Lungu and Caritas Zambia Executive Director Eugene Kabilika Wednesday 22nd April 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
By Derrick Sinjela in Woodlands, Lusaka Wednesday 22nd April 2020
AS the international community wages war against the ravaging Coronavirus pandemic, Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) representative Right Reverend (Rt. Rev.) Bishop Evans Chinyemba – Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) has praised C & S Investments Limited for strengthening their ecumenical muscle to help vulnerable people.
Speaking earlier at a Second Handover Ceremony of Donated Items to ZCCB in Response to the covid 19 pandemic, C&S Investments Ltd. Representative George Chellah pledged to continue rendering philanthropic support through the Catholic Churches countrywide outreach programme.
During the handover programme at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary in Lusaka’s Woodlands area, witnessed by
ZCCB Secretary General Father Cleophas Lungu, Caritas Zambia Executive Director Eugene Kabilika, Rector of St Dominic’s Major Seminary Father Kennedy Seketa and ZCCB Spokesperson Father Winfield Kunda, an elated Bishop Chinyemba expressed delight that C & S Investments Ltd. continues to render humanitarian support to vulnerable communities through ZCCB.
A delighted Bishop Chinyemba, who is Bishop of the Diocese of Mongu, in Western Province and equally serves as Caritas Zambia President recollected that aside from last donation on Tuesday April 14th 2020 to ZCCB, C & S Investments Ltd. through Philanthropist George Chellah trekked and made a similar donation to the Diocese of Monze, Southern Province on Saturday April 18th 2020.
The Catholic Church runs 59 facilities which includes 22 hospitals and 37 health centres in dire need of operational help throughout Zambia’s ten provinces of Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western.
Bishop Chinyemba implored Christians as followers of Christ to believe in the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ, who once told Nicodemus in John 3: 16 that: “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have internal life”.

Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB ) Secretary General Fr Cleophas Lungu introduces Bishop Evans Chinyemba and C and S Investments Ltd Representative George Chellah Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary, Woodlands Lusaka – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
“On behalf of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops, I sincerely thank C&S Investments Limited for yet again making another donation to the Catholic Church. The Coronavirus may manage to kill our bodies but will never kill our souls. Let us pray that we may have enough faith to completely trust God, who is the author of life.
Mr. Chellah assured the Catholic Church that for as long as vulnerability remains a visible reality, C&S Investment Limited will continue to render unwavering goodwill meant to ameliorate suffering among affected communities serviced by ZCCB programmes.
“You will recall that last week, when we met here for a similar function, we promised to return and today, we are back to honour our contribution, we made previously. Like I said last time,
Our goal is to ensure that through the ZCCB’s vast outreach human support programs, we can touch many vulnerable members of our society as possible during the covid19 pandemic.
And we pray that with God’s guidance, the next time we come back we shall do even more because the needs of the vulnerable in our society are many and never ending. For us as C & S Investments this is a partnership we pray will continue so that together we can fulfill our duty of cherishing every human life and ultimately lessen the burden of hardship amongst the most helplessness within our society.

C & S Investments Ltd. Representative George Chellah and Company Secretary interact with media people after making a donation to a Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary Woodlands Lusaka on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
In closing, I wish to thank the ZCCB for this bond of friendship and goodness through cooperation for the greater benefit of our society. Please be assured that as long as the Almighty God grants us the strength to work, we shall remain your partner in this never-ending fight against poverty and disease,” C & S Investment Ltd representative Mr. George Chellah vowed at a Second Handover Ceremony of Donated Items to ZCCB in Response to the covid 19 pandemic.

Father Leonard Chiti with Pope Francis
Before the C&S Investment Limited donation at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary, whose theme is: “Witness to the Truth“, ZCCB Secretary General Father Cleophas Lungu noted that Bishop Chinyemba took the risk to travel to Lusaka, regarded as a covid 19 epicentre as a gesture of sacrifice to help safeguard humanity.
Quoting spiritual head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, Bishop Chinyemba said the pandemic is teaching and reminding humanity of having no borders as everyone is now suffering, regardless of one social status and occupation in life.
“We are all frail, all equal, all precious. May we be profoundly shaken by what is happening and move us to realise that time has come to eliminate inequalities, to heal the injustices that is undermining the health of the entire human family! Let us learn from the early Christian community described in the Acts of the Apostles. ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need’ (Acts 2: 44-45). This is not some communist ideology: it is Christianity!”

C & S Investments Ltd .Representative George Chellah listens to a Vote of Thanks on Wednesday 22 April 2020 pix by Derrick Sinjela
According to Bishop Chinyemba, the first consignment donated by C&S Investments Ltd. benefited the following institutions and communities: Nangoma Hospital in Mumbwa, Mpanshya Hospital in Chongwe, ZHS Hospital, Mpunde Health Centre in Lusaka, Holy Family facility in Lusaka, Little Assisi in Ng’ombe, Lusaka, Chilanga Hospital and Kalingalinga Hospice in Lusaka.

Caritas Zambia Director Eugene Kabilika, Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) Secretaryy General Father Cleophas Lungu and C and S Investments Ltd Representative George Chellah Wednesday 22nd April 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
The Second donation by C&S Investments Limited is earmarked for distribution to Mother Theresa Hospice in Lusaka, Ng’ombe Home Based Care (HBC) in Lusaka, Santa Maria, Chinyingi Rural Health Centre (RHC) in the Diocese of Solwezi, North-Western province, Sichilu Hospital in the Diocese of Livingstone, Sioma RHC, Makinka RHC, Chilonga Hospital, St. Margaret’s Hospital, Lubwe Hospital, St. Paul’s in Kashikishi, Luapula Province, Mangango Hospital, Western Province, Nalwei RHC, Chikuni Hospital, Kanyanga Hospital in Lundazi, Eastern Province, Minga Hospital in Petauke, Eastern Province and St. Anthony in the Diocese of Ndola, Copperbelt Province.
The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) now led by Superior General Rev. Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI is a missionary religious congregation in the Catholic Church. It was founded on Thursday January 25, 1816, by Saint Eugène de Mazenod, a French priest born in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France on Thursday August 1, 1782. The congregation was given recognition by Pope Leo XII on Friday February 17, 1826. The congregation is composed of priests and brothers usually living in community; oblate means a person dedicated to God or God’s service. Their traditional salutation is Laudetur Iesus Christus (“Praised be Jesus Christ”), to which the response is Et Maria Immaculata (“And Mary Immaculate”). In 2016, there were 3,924 members.
Founded in 1816, 204 years ago OMI’s Motto is:”Evangelizare Pauperibus Misit Me. Pauperes Evangelizantur (Latin) He has sent me to evangelize the poor. The poor are evangelized”.