Beyond the Blackboard by Favourite Kalando on Friday 24th July 2015. Time: 14:00hours-15:00hours
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Pan African Radio 105.1FM Journalist Favourite Jenala Kalando
Join Favourite Kalando on the Pan African Radio 105.1FM “Beyond the

Sir MillionJr Kambuli Mathematics Made Simple Zambian Author
Blackboard” programme today, Friday 24th July 2015 from 14:00 hours to 15:00 hours as she hosts a topic: “How To Improve Access To Quality Education for All” featuring Sir MillionJr Kambuli, a Lay Pastor of Chilenje South Baptist Church Educationalist Kambuli is Managing Director of what was previously called Rise and Shine Tuition Centre but now rebranded as Lusaka Christian Tuition Centre (LCTC). Mr Alex Zulu, a University of Zambia (UNZA) Linguistic and English Teacher will interact with Ms Kalando and Sir Kambuli on Beyond the Blackboard. Mr. Zulu happens to be the MD of a young mens group called AMPLIFY. To participate call or text 0950-650-916 or 0975-876031 or find us on facebook and share your view…Pan African Radio 105.1FM “All People, Proud and Free!!!”
Welcome to this afternoon’s programme on ‘”How To Improve Access To Quality Education for All” featuring Sir MillionJr Kambuli, a Lay Pastor of Chilenje South Baptist Church Educationalist Kambuli is Managing Director of what was previously called Rise and Shine Tuition Centre but now rebranded as Lusaka Christian Tuition Centre (LCTC).
Mr Alex Zulu, a University of Zambia (UNZA) Linguistic and English Teacher
This is Pan African Radio 105.1FM ‘All People, Proud and Free!!!
Listener, Beyond the Blackboard is an interactive interface through social media. Just search for Favourite Kalando or Pan African Radio 105.1FM, like these pages and inbox a comment or indeed text your observations to 0975-876031.
Zambia has witnessed considerable growth in enrollments over the decade, from 84% to 119% for primary, and 37% to 79% for lower secondary, and primary completion is now close to 100%, putting the country a step away from Universal Primary Education, and justifying it ranking 8th out of 28 African countries in terms of the Education for All (EFA Development Index).
Zambian children face a tremendous lack of classrooms, which results in double and even triple shift systems and high pupil-teacher ratios (58 pupils per teacher on average, well beyond the FTI target of 40 and the SSA average of 45).
(This is reflected in the Zambia EFA Profile-Education for All (EFA) – Global Status-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) (Sources: Pôle de Dakar, 2012; UIS, 2012; GMR Report, 2011; UNAIDS, 2009; UNDP HDI, 2011; GPE, 2012; World Bank Africa SLI, 2011; SACMEQ III Project Results, 2010. Detailed information on indicators and data sources is provided in an accompanying explanatory note, available at
The Zambia National Educational Coalition has continued raising issues of quality education in education. On Sunday, 22nd February, 2015, the ECCDE Chairperson and ZANEC Board Member, Mr. Hamilton Mambo participated in a television programmes to discuss the issues of quality of education in tertiary institutions.
‘Education is not only a human right, but it is an essential tool for individuals to break the poverty cycle and to building the human capital of our country Zambia’
Sir MillionJr Kambuli, a Lay Pastor of Chilenje South Baptist Church Educationalist Kambuli is Managing Director of what was previously called Rise and Shine Tuition Centre but now rebranded as Lusaka Christian Tuition Centre (LCTC), welcome.
Mr Alex Zulu, a University of Zambia (UNZA) Linguistic and English Teacher, welcome, too.
From the outset,
1. Lack of adequate funding has been a serious challenge. Sir Kambuli and Mr. Zulu, any reflections, how can this ideal situation become feasible?
2. How can Zambia improve access to quality education for all?
4. Are tuition fees affordable and are teachers fairly paid or remunerated in Zambia?
6. How can the provision of education become truly free? How free is Zambian education, and is private access to education comparatively better than that provided in public institutions?
7. Do you agree with a view that Distance Education will contribute to achievement of the third Millennium Development Goal (MDD) dubbed ‘Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment of women?
13. Is the teaching and learning environment embracing Information Communication and Technology (ICT)?
The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) ZANEC Executive Director, Grace Manyonga is on record applauding Government following the completion of the National EFA Review process ahead of the post 2015 education priorities, just how can Zambia advance human rights principles and learning tailored to help children overcome challenges of the 21st century?
What measures must Minister of Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education Dr Michael Kaingu introduce improve curriculum: at all stages.
All learners will now learn ICT skills from early grade to higher education and it will be compulsory, just how ready is Zambia on this score?
Forum for African Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA) is a leading NGO in Zambia working to eliminate gender disparities at all levels of education, enabling women to participate in national development.
FAWEZA is part and parcel of the Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC), Sir Kambuli and Mr Zulu, how are you working with these two girl-empowering organizations?
Read Text Messages and reaction from studio guests
Sir Kambuli and Mr Zulu, what does the future hold as far as the education sector in Zambia for teachers and pupils?
Sir MillionJr Kambuli, a Lay Pastor of Chilenje South Baptist Church Educationalist Kambuli is Managing Director of what was previously called Rise and Shine Tuition Centre but now rebranded as Lusaka Christian Tuition Centre (LCTC) and Mr Alex Zulu, a University of Zambia (UNZA) Linguistic and English Teacher , it was my pleasure to host you on Beyond the Blackboard.
Our listener, you this has been Beyond the Blackboard join me Favourite Kalando, next Friday 29th July 2015 from 14:00 hours-15:00 hours, when I shall return with another interesting guest and subject. Pleasant listening!!!