Leadership Movement (LM) President Dr. Richard Silumbe tags Zambia’s Mining Sector as being in a ‘Crisis’
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PRESS STATEMENT: By Dr. Richard Silumbe – President Leadership Movement (LM)
– Mining Sector in a Crisis
Monday 13th April, 2020.
Fellow countrymen and women – As the Leadership Movement ( LM) we have observed that currently our mining sector is in a serious crisis, lacking professional leadership.
As an action oriented Political Party with a Mission to Reclaim the Zambian Vision we want remind Glencore and Mopani Management over its plans to place Mopani Plants in Kitwe and Mufulira on Care and Maintenance due to COVID19 Outbreak for us as LM this is illegal and unfair.
“Sending over 11,000 workers home will bring more suffering not only to people of Kitwe and Mufulira but the all entire Copperbelt”
“The workers have families and over 30 thousand people will feel the Impact of Mopani decision to stop operations”
However as LM we have plans to write Glencore and Mopani Management over this Colonial Decision at the sametime assuring Copperbelt Province, The Unions and Workers that Leadership Movement stands with you.
Further, The Leadership Movement National Management Committee (NMC) is Monitoring the happenings in the Mining Sector especially in Mwinlunga District at Kanseseli Gold Mine, others are Luanshya Copper Mine, Kaoma and Mumbwa.
Allow us to state that the Genesis of our problems in the mining sector starts with Politicans who meet these colonial Investors with no respect for that poor miner on the Copperbelt.

Leadership Movement President Dr. Richard Silumbe with Secretary General Brown Sinyangwe and National Chairperson, David Kalumba (Far Right) at a Press Briefing Monday 13 April 2020 Chalala Lusaka piix by Derrick Sinjela
In 2021 under the Leadership Movement we will make sure the Mining Sector benefits Zambians which will result into Better Jobs, Education, Health and Roads.
Rise Up and Dust Yourselves.
I thank you.
*Issued by:*
*Dr. Richard Silumbe*
*President – Leadership* *Movement*