Father Jones Mutemwakwenda’s “Thought for the Day”
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Father Jones Mutemwakwenda with wife
Father Jones Mutemwakwenda’s “Thought for the Day”
Saturday 4th April 2020
We have come to the end of this week.
Where did you spend your week?
We spent the week in our respective homes.
Today, I would like us to focus our thoughts on the meaning of a home.
A home is a place of safety. This is one of the reasons the Government has told everyone of us to stay at home, protect the National Health Service and save lives.
Let me give you a list of things that a home provides to keep us safe: A home is a place of peace, a place of forgiveness, a place of friendship, a place of recovery, a place of success, a place of dreams, a place of kindness, a place of knowledge, a place of growth, a place understanding,
a place of confidence, a place of education, a place of freedom, a place of future, a place of happiness, a place of hope, a place of courage, a place of wisdom, a place of belief, a place of truth, a place of compassion, a place of perseverance, a place of awareness, a place of leadership, a place of faith, a place opportunity, a place of comfort, a place of love, a place of prayer and the list goes on.
We have a lot of things that we can do at home during this difficulty time. We can therefore win the fight against coronavirus by staying at home. By so doing, we shall save lives.
Even in the Bible, we see many times God telling people to stay at home and save lives.
I say again, a home is a place of safety.
Thinking of you with love and prayer.
Stay at home.
Fr Jones Mutemwakwenda