National Action for Quality Education in Zambia [NAQEZ] Executive Director Aaron Chanda seeks emergency stakeholder’s indaba
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General Education Minister David Mabumba with Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services (MIBS) Minister Ms. Dora Siliya
Now that it very clear that the novel Corona virus has managed to fundamentally disturb the Zambian academic calendar, just like the case is across the world, National Action for Quality Education in Zambia [NAQEZ] is calling for an emergency stakeholder’s indaba for collective restructuring of the national academic calendar.
As an outfit promoting quality education in the country, NAQEZ urges the two Ministries of Education to convene a meeting of educational stakeholders to critically analyze the effects of the pandemic on education, so far recorded, and craft projected alternatives for the remaining months.

Aaron Chansa is NAQEZ Executive Director
Seeing that the Corona cases are on the increase and the fact that institutions of learning are not likely to reopen this month or even in the next two months, the expected Indaba must seriously consider cancelling all extra- curricular activities for 2020.There is also inevitable need to consider pushing grades 9 and 12 August national examinations to November or December. Insisting on August examinations may not achieve any academic purpose.
Even as we may not know when the virus will be defeated, NAQEZ holds a view that the country should have alternatives in place for the rest of the national academic life.
Lastly but extremely important, as we wait for an alternative plan for our education, NAQEZ appeals to the Ministry of General Education to make use of Provincial and Community Radio stations by engaging local teachers. At the moment, the TV educational channel and all elearning platforms are not helping the situation at all. Our assessment indicates that all the newly initiated learning media are discriminatory; only benefitting very few learners in the country.
Issued by:
Aaron Chansa.
Executive Director.
NAQEZ– Promoting Quality Education in Zambia –

Finance Minister Dr BWALYA NG’ANDU and Livestock and Fisheries Minister Professor Nkandu Luo