Contact Trust Youth Association (CTYA) back Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ Voter Registration Commencement
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Contact Trust Youth Association (CTYA) of Livingstone Southern Province
Ronnie Jere (Mr.) CTYA Executive Director in Livingstone, Southern Province
AS youths in Livingstone, we welcome the announcement by the Electoral Commission of Zambia that in May, it will commence voter registration in readiness for the 2021 general elections.
This is a very timely and progressive announcement as it clearly shows that ECZ is forward thinking.
It is for this reason we want to call upon all the young people in the country to register as voters.
We want to also call upon their parents and guardians to ensure that their children obtain the green national registration card which will enable them to vote in next year’s August general election.
We further want to ask the commission to handle the issue of inmates or prisoners voting seriously as it will be a litmus test for the country’s electoral system.
We further want to pledge that we are going to educate the young people on the importance of voting.
We believe it is important for the people to choose the right leaders who will represent their interests be it in the local council or in parliament.
We also want to take this opportunity of encouraging young people to participate objectively in national issues. It has come to our attention that young people are only used as tools of violence to by political leaders.
We want young people to be parliamentarians, counselors and better still become presidents. Young people should unite and flush out this generation of violence through the ballot box.