The Stone at Mizpah, Thus Far the Lord has brought us: by Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
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The Stone at Mizpah, Thus Far the Lord has brought us.
By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
I see that my “Thought for the Day” article on the cost of fuel in the United States, has generated intense debate.
We welcome that, for that’s what a thought provoking article should do.
Thank you all for your remarks, comments, views, criticism,(and outrage and insults which form part of the menace of social media), your support and particular interest on the article.
For we only have one Zambia and therefore no issue, no debate, no narrative should make us lose sight of that.
This battle is welcome because it’s of ideas, it is civil and best combat to engage in, than the battle of hate, violence or warfare.
So before we discuss the Purchasing Power Parity(PPP), before we discuss the GDP per capita in comparing national economies, before we understand why rich people have their money work hard for them, while poor people work hard for their money, before we understand the purchase of the same basket of goods and services in Zambia as one US dollar does in the United States, I am on that return journey back to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
I am so grateful for the kind gesture by the Arizona State Senator and President Pro Tempore, Hon. Eddie Fansworth and his spouse Jane, who personally received me when I arrived and who have taken time to see me off from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
I am also grateful for the precious token of gift.
May God continue to bless and prosper you.
But what has been on my mind is the goodness of the Lord.
God has truly been faithful to me and I need to testify!
On this leg of my journey, I met USA Senators, Members of Congress and the White House Special Envoy on Health.
I also met colleagues, Ambassadors, Heads of Missions and Ministers from other countries.
It’s been a week like no other.
Unless you count His blessings on you, you will not know how far He has raised you.
For He has raised me.
From a boy from a mining township to one meeting top leaders from the most powerful country in the World.
Awe ni Lesa fye eka. “Thus far the Lord has brought/helped me” 1 Samuel 7:12.
And like Prophet Samuel raised a stone at Mizpah and Shen, to show the goodness of the Lord after the most intense battle, I raise this trip as such.
“(After that) the Philistines were subdued and they stopped invading Israel’s territory.” 1 Samuel 7;13
May our enemies remain subdued and stop invading our tents and territories!
On this day, I remember the goodness of the Lord.
There are many people that are more worthy, that are more educated, that are more qualified than me, yet He chose me.
So I testify.
In the last few years, I have worked for Presidents, I have met Presidents, I’ve met leaders of all hues, types and sectors.
I testify.
I have met people that I never dreamt I would meet, figures I felt privileged to merely watch on tv.
Awe nangu tautasha.
Count your blessings. For I ‘am merely counting mine.
Kindly pray for our travelling mercies.