Democratic Party (DP) President Harry Kalaba is a Servant of the people at The People of Zambia
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Posted by Pan African Radio 96.1Fm on Friday, January 24, 2020


Harry Kalaba is Democratic Party (DP) President with Nedson Nzowa
Harry Kalaba (born 12 June 1976) is a Zambian politician and a President for Democratic Party, commonly referred to as DP, who had served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zambia since March 2014 to January 2018.[1] According to Lusaka Times he is a former member of Patriotic Front.[2] Previously, he was elected as a Member of Parliament for Bahati.[3]
Posted by Pan African Radio 96.1Fm on Friday, January 24, 2020
PF’s Harry Kalaba Adopted as Democratic Party 2021 Presidential Candidate
For Immediate Release
Internal Party Leadership Changes
Democratic Party adopts Bahati Patriotic Member of Parliament Harry Kalaba as its official Presidential candidate for 2021 Elections
12th November 2018
The Democratic Party has resolved to adopt Hon. Harry Kalaba as its official Presidential candidate for the Thursday 12th August 2021 general elections.
The resolution was reached at by Democratic National Committee (DNC) members at an extraordinary meeting held in Lusaka on Saturday the 10th November 2018.
The meeting which was chaired by the National Chairman Mr. Nedson Nzowa was attended by all members of the Democratic National Committee.
This decision to adopt Hon. Kalaba came up after a wider consultation with the party leaders and general membership.
The decision also comes up following the many demands and the decision taken by majority Zambians saying Hon. Harry Kalaba is the right man to take up the position of President of Zambia come 2021.
It’s evident that Zambia is at a position where the country needs a person with a tested and well proved character, zero tolerance to corruption, honesty, selfless and has resolved to save Zambia with the respect and the seriousness it deserves.
The meeting further resolved to leave the position of Democratic Party President vacant with immediate effect until such a time when Hon. Harry Kalaba will take up the position.
The position of Party President was until now held by Mr. Gift Kalumba who henceforth remains a member of the National Executive .
The party has further made changes to its Provincial Leadership in various places as follows
Copperbelt Province
Mr. Chandindi has been moved from the position of Copperbelt Provincial Chairman to become an interim member of the National Executive. He has since been replaced with Mr Mulenga who was until now the Copperbelt Vice Chairperson and will be deputized by two Provincial Chairpersons.
In this regard, Mr. Newa has been appointed as the interime Vice Chairperson and will be in charge of Ndola, Luanshya, Mpongwe, Masaiti, Kafulafuta
In the meantime, the Democratic Party Spokesperson Ms. Judith Kabemba besides her role will help coordinate, Kitwe, Mufulira, Chililabombwe,
Kalulushi, Chingola and
In this same regard, the party has decided to drop Mr. Kalenge from the position of Copperbelt Youth Chairman.
Central Province
Ms. Ethel Chinkuli who was Acting Provincial Chairperson has been moved to the position of Kabwe District Chairlady. Kalonde Chisanga will assume the position of Central Province Youth Chairperson.
Lusaka Province
Mr. Victor Mwale has been elevated to take up the position of Provincial Chairperson while Mr. Olalo Mwanza becomes Provincial Youth Chairman.
Muchinga Province
The province has been demarcated into two zones.
Ms. Regina Mulenga will be Provincial Chairperson in-charge of Mpika, Chama and Chisali while Ms Patricia Makezi willhead Isoka,Mafinga and Nakonde respectively.
Northern Province
Mr Patrick Kafula will be interim chairman for Nothern Province with immediate effect
The party wishes to further advise that all positions that have been left vacant will soon be filled and members informed accordingly.
We wishe to congratulate the newly appointed leaders and pray that they will render the relevant service to the growth of the party and Zambia at large.
Issued by
Judith Kabemba
Democratic Party Spokesperson…/pfs-harry-kalaba-adopted-democ…/