President Edgar Chagwa Lungu goes on 2020 Annual Retreat
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Fellow Citizens, I am on a familiazation tour of the Sunbird Bioenergy Zambia Offices in Kawambwa District, Luapula Province ahead of the launch of the Outgrower Scheme. Sunbird Zambia is expected to provide over 20,000 economic opportunities for our small – scale farmers. And the Sunbird Bio – Ethanol plant will require 600,000 tonnes of Cassava to produce 160 million litres of Ethanol per year. Join me as I work to bring development to our people. #PresidentialGrassrootTour#BuildingZambiaTogether
Posted by Edgar Chagwa Lungu on Sunday, January 5, 2020
By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia
PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu has gone on a four-day annual retreat in Eastern Province, with barely a year and seven months before Zambia holds Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections on Thursday 12th August 2021.
In a Tuesday, 7th January, 2020 Press Statement, issued from Mansa, Luapula Province by Special Assistant to the President Press and Public Relations at State House, Isaac Chipampe indicated that Dr. Lungu’s retreat is effective Tuesday, 7th January, 2020.
Mr. Chipampe explained that President Lungu spent last weekend and part of Monday 6th January, 2020 in Kawambwa District, of Luapula Province where he commissioned the Sunbird Bioenergy Zambia Cassava Outgrower Scheme.
During the function, President Lungu told the gathering that had thronged the Cassava Plantation to individually and collectively participate in the Outgrower Scheme and generate income for themselves.
Later on the same day Monday, President Lungu flew from Mansa to Eastern Province to commence the four-day retreat, according to a Press Statement circulated by Chief Analyst Press & Public Relations Mrs. Cecilia Lubumbashi Mulenga.
Speech delivered by His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President of the Republic of Zambia,
At the launch of the Cassava Out grower Scheme by Sunbird Bio Energy Limited
Kawambwa District, Luapula Province
Monday, 06 January, 2020
State House
- The Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Michael Katambo;
- The Minister for Luapula Province, Hon. Nixon Chilangwa;
- Other Cabinet Ministers present;
- Your Royal Highnesses Senior Chief Mushota, Chief Munkanta and Chief Chama;
- Senior Government Officials present;
- The Provincial and District leadership of the Patriotic Front;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Sunbird Bio Energy Limited;
- Fellow Farmers;
- Members of the Press;
- Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am delighted to join you the people of Kawambwa District, Luapula Province to launch the Cassava Out Grower Scheme by Sunbird Bio Energy Limited.
I am grateful to the provincial leadership and the management of sunbird for inviting me, and for working hard to ensure that this Cassava Out Grower Scheme project is completed ahead of schedule.
I am confident that this Outgrower Scheme, being launched today, will be a game changer for the cassava industry in Luapula province. The Outgrower Scheme will not only stimulate cassava production, but will also change the prospects for cassava value addition, and processing in Zambia.
The cassava crop in Zambia has historically been produced for household consumption. As a result, its value addition has mostly been limited to very basic processing by households.
However, in recent years, there has been a huge inflow of investment into the cassava industry, which has expanded the scope of crop production, and processing in the country.
As I stand here before you today, I am excited to note that the country is now appreciating the unlimited potential of cassava beyond household consumption.
It is gratifying to note that the uses of cassava include the production of bio fuels; the production of starch products for industrial use; and the production of alcoholic beverages.
There are many other uses for cassava. Some countries have fully capitalised on the crop and this has contributed greatly to boosting their economies. Government will support cassava production and value addition.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
Cassava production is not new to this country. It is only second to maize as a staple crop.
In the 2018/2019 farming season, the country produced about one million, nine thousand, one hundred and forty six metric tonnes of cassava flour, whilst the area cultivated under cassava production was about three hundred and forty five thousand hectares.
But the potential for cassava production far exceeds the current production levels.
Therefore, to, maximise on the benefits of cassava production in the country, my Government has prioritised the cassava industry as a key strategic industry for development.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
Government envisages the agriculture sector taking the lead in stimulating economic development in Zambia. For this to happen, more projects such as the cassava Outgrower Scheme by Sunbird Bio Energy need to be launched.
Government is pleased that the private sector has shown this great example that it can be done. My government will continue to facilitate a conducive environment for the private sector to thrive.
Let me also take this opportunity to urge other private sector players to replicate this model, and partner with Government to enable the agriculture sector realise its full potential.
It is gratifying that projects such as this one are now taking shape and transforming the agriculture sector.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
For some time now, there has been talk about farm block development and the benefits to the country.
I am glad that the farm block concept is now gaining momentum hence we are seeing the mushrooming of promising agro enterprises in some farm blocks across the country. In particular, the development of Luena farm block, here in Kawambwa, has been very impressive.
As I mentioned earlier, the production and processing of cassava in Zambia is not yet at the level it should be. This is mainly because the cassava industry is affected by a number of challenges.
The challenges include lack of a reliable market, short supply of improved planting materials; and huge transportation costs incurred to ferry the commodity to its final destination. These challenges have affected the viability of the cassava industry, and have discouraged many small-scale farmers from growing the crop.
With the coming on board of projects like the Sunbird Cassava Outgrower Scheme, farmers should no longer be discouraged to grow cassava.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
Government, through partnerships with the private sector, will continue to do everything possible to transform the cassava industry.
The market that many cassava farmers have been yearning for is now here. It is pleasing to hear that from the 15,000 targeted farmers under this Outgrower Scheme, 5,000 have already been contracted by Sunbird in the 2019/2020 farming season.
I am very certain that sunbird will soon finalise contracts for the remaining 10,000 targeted farmers so that they too can begin to participate in this scheme.
To Sunbird Bio Energy, and indeed all other private sector players, I assure you of government’s support towards your investment.
I am aware that some of you in the private sector have complaints about unnecessary delays in receiving proper service from some Government departments.
I expect all Government departments with specific mandate to facilitate the ease of doing business to respond positively, and act with urgency in dealing with matters affecting the private sector.
I will not condone inertia which not only delays worthwhile projects from taking off, but also delays job and wealth creation, women and youth empowerment, and the country’s prosperity.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
To address the challenge of inadequate supply of cassava planting materials, I am very happy to learn that Sunbird will supply farmers on this scheme with planting materials and other inputs to support the expansion of cassava production.
In addition to empowering farmers with inputs, I am pleased to learn that Sunbird will set aside resources to train Farmers and Extension Staff in the Ministry of Agriculture on cassava production and processing.
The training of Farmers and Extension Staff will definitely go a long way in ensuring that this Outgrower Scheme produces enough quality cassava to feed the ethanol plant.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
The huge costs incurred by cassava farmers in Luapula Province to transport their goods to the market will now be a thing of the past as Sunbird has now brought the market to your door steps.
I urge all farmers in the province to leverage this opportunity, and to honour the terms of the contracts you will sign with sunbird.
Opportunities of this type should be guarded jealously. Therefore, I, urge all farmers to prove to the company that you are more than capable to produce above the quota you have been given.
I appeal to farmers on this Outgrower Scheme to avoid side selling of cassava to other individuals, and companies outside this arrangement.
No matter how attractive the price may be from other buyers, remember you cannot abrogate your responsibilities towards this contract with Sunbird.
In this regard, ensure you repay the company for the inputs you have been supplied with, by meeting your contract obligation through the supplying of cassava to the company.
Further, I wish to urge sunbird, and all other companies implementing outgrower schemes, to continue giving farmers fair contracts.
My Government has noticed that in the past, Outgrower Scheme operators have taken advantage of Small-Scale Farmers who have been exploited because of their ignorance. This, practice will not be allowed as Government will ensure that Small-Scale Farmers are protected from exploitation.
Government is keen to see a win-win situation, where Sunbird or any other Outgrower Scheme operators benefit while the welfare of Small-Scale Farmers on the scheme is also uplifted.
Recent investment developments coming into Luapula Province and many other provinces is attributed to investment expositions provinces have been hosting.
I, therefore, wish to encourage the Provincial Minister, and his team to continue following up on investment pledges made during the Luapula Province Investment Expo in 2017.
Congratulations for what you have achieved since the expo, and please ensure that you continue with this momentum. This level of investment will not only change the landscape of Luapula Province for good, but will certainly raise the living standards of our people.
People of Luapula Province, you have a responsibility to render support to investment inflows into the province.
You have this great opportunity to embrace these investments coming into the province as there are the source of employment for you.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:
It is now my singular honour and privilege to officially open the Sunbird Bio Energy Cassava Out-grower Scheme. I thank you.
God bless you all and have happy
And prosperous New Year!

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo encouraging Cassava outgrowers in Kawambwa District of Luapula Province, Zambia
Fellow Citizens,
I am on a familiazation tour of the Sunbird Bioenergy Zambia Offices in Kawambwa District, Luapula Province ahead of the launch of the Outgrower Scheme.
Sunbird Zambia is expected to provide over 20,000 economic opportunities for our small – scale farmers. And the Sunbird Bio – Ethanol plant will require 600,000 tonnes of Cassava to produce 160 million litres of Ethanol per year.
Join me as I work to bring development to our people.