Is Harry Kalaba’s Democratic Party 2021 key opening Zambia’s prosperity?
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… “Let us believe again”!
Fellow Countrywomen and men,
By Harry Kalaba – President Democratic Party -Zambia (DP)
ON the Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 2018, exactly two years today, I made a decision that many in my position would not have thought of taking. Which was to resign my position as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
While it was not an easy decision to make on account of the animosity and acrimony that was anticipated. Today I can look back with a feeling of nolstalgia and thank God that I made the right decision. It was the right decision to walk away from the perceived comfort zone.
As Foreign Minister, you enjoy a lot of privileges while at the same time you represent the nation and the Head of state at a very high level as custodian of the country’s foreign policy. My decision was necessitated by the fundamental flaw that I observed with some colleagues with whom we believed that the people of Zambia deserved from those they looked up to as their leaders.

Harry Kalaba is Democratic Party (DP) President with DP National Chairman Nedson Nzowa (Right)
A corrupt person is and can never be Honorable. I know that two years down the line some former colleagues are still trying to find the best way of stepping out and resigning their positions, for fear of going down as having been a part of the team that brought down the Zambian economy on account of protracted corrupt practices by those entrusted with the governance of the nation. To them I say, the best time to resign is now!!!
Today, as we mark the second anniversary of my resignation and subsequent launch of my 2021 Presidential bid under the DP. I would like to take stoke of how far we have come and more importantly how far we have to go towards the economic emancipation of this great country. I have faced the wrath of the PF’s machete wielding cadres who are unleashed on those who seem to share divergent views from those of their masters.
Youths today are being used as tools of violence when they should be economic drivers and change agents in this 21st Century economy that demands their energy and creativity. We have had the Police officers dispatched to come and disrupt our meetings even in churches while the PF continues to meet without any disruption from anyone. We have seen land owners lose their farms by cadres and others have ended up losing their lives for defending their property. Such is the political landscape that I have come face to face with. In spite of all the challenges and hurdles, I am convinced that on this day, two years ago, I made the right decision to resign from the repressive government of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

Sata with Kalaba
I was further encouraged this morning, when my wife shook my hand after I reminded her that today marks 2 years since we walked away from the Lungu Administration. She encouraged me to continue standing with the people and never to betray their trust and confidence. Her words gave me a renewed hope and resolve to continue fighting for the economic emancipation of Zambia. While she has been on the receiving end of the challenges that the last two years have brought, she also sees the hope that the efforts we are putting in, brings to the people of Zambia and I am encouraged that I have such a friend in her who is selfless and longs to see a better and prosperous Zambia. I am also encouraged by the many thousands of supporters who continue to pour out their support to my Thursday 12th August 2021 Presidential bid with a resolve to usher in an accountable DP leadership that will put the interest on Zambia and Zambians ahead of any other interest.
Like my wife, they are many women out there who have been feeling the pain of living by the day and not knowing were the next meal will come from. They are a lot of women who have been celebrating that their son or daughter has made it to grade 8 or grade 10 but then their biggest challenge is to divide the budget between buying basic necessities for their home or spend that money on their school going children. Soon the grade 12 results will be out and many sons and daughters will join the list of those seeking to go to college but are inhibited by their parents failure to pay their college fees. In any given year, we are having over 50,000 graduates, who end up not being absorbed in the job market. This is not just a travesty but self deposition of the failure of the Lungu Administration. And it is my hope and prayer that the youths will come up in large numbers to support the DP in 2021. That journey starts today. Make a resolve to do all you can within the confines of the law to share the aspirations of the DP. The aspirations of a better and prosperous Zambia that safeguards its citizens and puts their wishes above all other interests.

KK with Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Harry Kalaba 14 October 2017
In the last two years, I have literally visited all the 10 provinces of Zambia and covered almost 90% of all the districts across this country and have come face to face with the hardships that the citizens are going through. After traversing every corner of this country, I have come to feel the pain and angerg that the great son of the soil President Michael Chilufya Sata MHSRIP felt. It is that which made him want to rid the nation of a corrupt regime and usher in an accountable leadership that will represent the aspirations of the people of Zambia. Over the last five years of the Lungu regime, we have seen a reversal of the gains that President Sata made in the fight against corruption. Corruption has soared to unprecedented levels with those who walk the corridors of power making demands even in the name of the head of state. National trophies are being plundered at an unprecedented rate. And if we do not put a stop to this state capture, we will have nothing left for our children’s children.
Finally, I want to share a message I received on Tuesday 2nd January, 2018 immediately after I announced my resignation as Foreign Affairs Minister:
“Honorable, I wish you Gods blessings and pray that you will help to bring together the many people that share your passion and have a yearning to see our nation prosper. I know the decision you have made is not an easy one but one thing is certain, you have thought it through and made some serious introspection. Your decision will not be popular to many including the very people you have decided to step aside and support but if you continue to be the voice of reason and the face of consciousness, many people will follow you and you will lead the next revolution within or outside the party that will determine the course of our nation in the years to come. My prayer is that you remain candid yet respectful and restrained to the President and people will see in you their leader and a hope for the nation. This is what rainmakers are made of. Be blessed…”

Harry Kalaba with Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda
I have cherished this message and yes some people have called me names and yet my resolve to lead this nation to greater heights still remains strong and I would like to trust that we will work together to see this dream become a reality. I call upon you to show restraint but more importantly to have a resolve to transform this nation. Let’s work together and drive the next revolutionary and transformational wave that will rid this nation of the current corrupt leadership and usher in an accountable DP leadership.

Sata with Kalaba’s children
I thank you for running with me in the last two years and look forward to many more years of transformational engagement. God bless you and God bless Zambia.
Zambia. Let’s believe again!! –Harry Kalaba, President of the Democratic Party – Zambia
Elm Road, Woodlands, Lusaka Zambia