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Pro-Palestine solidarity is growing across Nigeria, as Nigerian Friends of Palestine hold a solidarity walk in Osun State on Sunday
Pro-Palestine solidarity is growing across Nigeria, as thousands are expected to attend a rally and walk for Palestine in Iwo, Osun State, on Sunday.
Organised by Nigerian Friends of Palestine (NFP), the event will be addressed by Iwo leader, Oba Abdurasheed Adewale Akanbi Telu. Also in attendance will be Yoruba religious leader, Sheikh Yahqub Abdul-Baqi Muhammad, and the head of the Islahudeen Missionary Association of Nigeria, Sheikh Muslim Muqoddam Husain.
The event is the brainchild of Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the founder of NFP, and aims to raise awareness about the illegal occupation of Palestine and its holy sites, particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The event will also draw attention to Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – a move that is illegal under international law.
“The Palestinians are oppressed. We must unite against Israeli oppression and seek their freedom. The Palestinian cause is not for them alone, it is not only a Muslim cause, but it is a cause for every revolutionary,” Molaasan told the Afro-Palestine Newswire Service.
According to NFP spokesperson, Abubakr Imran, education about the Palestinian liberation struggle will be an important feature of the event, and the group intends holding several other events to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause.
There has been growing criticism in Nigeria of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Less than a month ago, thousands of activists in Lagos called on the international community to boycott Israel for its ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights and international law. Organized by the Muslim Awareness International (MAI) group, speakers stressed the importance of supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, in the same way in which the world boycotted and isolated South Africa’s apartheid government.
The Lagos event came just days after Nigeria’s representative at the UN, Ibrahim Umar, condemned the Israeli government’s oppression of the Palestinian people. “The demolition of Palestinian homes, forced evictions, and threat of violence from Israeli settlers infringes on the Palestinian right to life, liberty and the security of the Palestinian people,” said Umar.

Afro-Palestine Newswire Service
Abuja’s UN representative also called for an end to Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. “The situation in the Gaza Strip and the near collapse of its infrastructure being enforced by the Israeli blockade and military action should be of grave concern to the international community,” Umar said.
Africa’s support for the Palestinian cause has been strong recently. While observing International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People at the UN on 29 November, African Union (AU) Commission chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, said:
“The African Union’s support of the Palestinian cause is…premised on the values of freedom, justice and humanitarian principles that Africa defends in international fora alongside all those striving to ensure that Palestine regains its right to exist as a key State…”
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