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University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday 12th December 2018
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the University of Zambia this morning and to the last Press Briefing in 2018.
The University of Zambia is the nation’s leading provider of higher education. We have 24,000 students studying in over 350 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Our primary focus is teaching, research and community service value proposition. We have now added a fourth leg namely, resource mobilization.
In today’s press brief therefore, I will share with you the key achievements we have recorded, the projects we are implementing and the challenges we are facing.
Before I do so, I would like to thank all staff and students for maintain a stable and conducive environment for academic activities at the University of Zambia in 2018. The only exception to our tranquillity was the students unrest on 4th and 5th October 2018 which saw the loss of one life and injuries to a number of students. To that end, I re-affirm that as a University we are still in grief over the loss our departed student, Vesper Shimuzhila. Government investigations on the matter are still ongoing. We remain sincerely indebted to the Shimuzhila family as we pray for God’s strength to the family on the matter. We also wish Everet Chongo, a full recovery at the Italian Orthopedic Hospital following the injuries she suffered out of that unfortunate event.

University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday 12th December 2018
I would like to share with you the following achievements:
The University of Zambia recognizes the importance of research to inform its teaching and knowledge creation required to contribute to solving the many challenges that society faces. We are closing the year 2018 in a firm position as the leading provider of higher education in Zambia. We desire to be among the top Universities in Africa.
Our vision to achieve this is clearly guided by the 2018 – 2022 strategic plan which we launched in April this year.
I am therefore pleased to announce that in 2018, our research output in the Scopus database hosted Elsevier totalled 307 publications compared to 268. Take note that this research output is only from one database. I can therefore confirm that we have recorded a very significant combined impact with regards to research output in 2018.
I am glad to report that the University of Zambia now has three Centres of Excellence. The first one is the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) Centre of Excellence where we lead the working group on Food Security and Agriculture. This Centre of Excellence is hosted by the School of Agricultural Sciences and seeks to provide big earth data to improve capacity of countries in the region to attain the sustainable development goals as they relate to food security and agriculture.

University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday 12th December 2018
The second centre of excellence we host is the Africa Centre of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans and Animals-ACEIDHA. This is sponsored by the World Bank Project for Eastern and Southern Higher Education Centers of Excellence initiative and is under the UNZA School of Veterinary Medicine. Through this US$6 Million project, we are training 20 PhD and 80 MSc students to develop a critical mass of skilled human resources to both the private and public sector. We are also strengthening linkages with local, regional and international institutions, we are developing advocacy programs for the community and policy formulation and are actively developing infectious disease counter measures

Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
With regards to our core business of teaching and research, I want to begin by stating that we have over the last one month been administering final year examinations. This process has proceeded very well. I would like to commend both students and staff for their hard work in ensuring that we continue to deliver excellence in examination administration. I wish to announce therefore that examination results will be published on time with the next academic year expected to commence on 4th February 2019.
Our third Centre of Excellence is the Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre at Liempe Farm where we are championing the development of mushrooms, various climate resilient crops and village production. This is a Centre of Excellence we are running in collaboration with our partner University in China – Jilin Agricultural University.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I move on to another achievement and here I would like to commend the University Community for embracing the Keep UNZA Clean and Green Campaign.

QTV Journalist Favourite Jenala Kalando at Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
I am also glad to mention that we are making progress towards beginning the phased implementation of dismantling of the staff terminal benefits and contractual liabilities. I am glad to mention that Government has been very supportive in this exercise. A provision has been made for funds to be provided over the next three years to dismantle in a phased manner the University debt. Over the last two months, the University of Zambia has been undertaking a joint exercise with a team of Auditors from the Ministry of Finance to reconcile the outstanding liabilities. As soon as a final reconciliation report is issued and agreed upon by the Government, the first tranche of funds will be disbursed.
May I also report that the University of Zambia has developed and implemented a new performance based promotion criteria for academic staff. It is a point based system because each activity under the core areas of teaching, research and community service is given a weight. The new criteria is important for the nation’s leading University because it now provides a very objective process for appraisal of staff. It will ensure that our staff remain competitive globally and contribute positively to assuring a high level of quality to our teaching and research.

UNZA Registrar at Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
I would like to report that we have now registered a special purpose vehicle called UNZA Investment Holdings. This entity will begin operations in 2019. This entity will be our hub for operating our commercial activities purely on business lines.
With regards to recapitalization of some of our operations, I am delighted to report that we have now Installed an ultra – modern Industrial Printing Machine at UNZA Printer.
This printer has been procured at a total cost of 770,000 Euros (approximately US$875,000) or K10,500,000.
The public and the business community out there are informed that we now have best practice capacity in printing at all levels of customer specification. This machine will be commissioned in January 2019.

Derrick Sinjela at Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
There has been a call from our stakeholders that we need to be generating income to support some of our operations. I must say that the new UNZA Printer is a great opportunity for the corporate sector to offer us printing jobs which will help us generate income to sustain the quality we aspire for in our teaching, research and community service.
Another achievement we would like our stakeholders to take note of relates to the launch of the New UNZA Website.
To keep pace with new trends and new technological breakthroughs in information communication technology (ICT), the University has designed and developed a user-friendly and interactive website where visitors can easily navigate their way around it. The website has information pertaining to our undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, short courses, how to apply, tuition fee schedules and many other interesting features.
Today, I take the honour to officially launch the new University website. Our stakeholders can access our new website on

Habeenzu Mulunda welcomed after Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018

Journalist Habeenzu Mulunda welcomed after Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
I now turn to the challenge we face as a University with regards to student accommodation and the effort we have made to address this challenge through the Installation of Bunk Beds in Student Hostels;
On 14th March 2018, the University of Zambia Caretaker Committee announced the short term measure to mitigate the shortage of student accommodation by introducing bunk beds in existing hostels. You may wish to know that the University of Zambia has 18,000 full time students and ideally requires 18,000 bed spaces. However, our current capacity can only accommodate 3,670 students.
I would like to inform you that subsequent to this, UNZA embarked on a project to produce 1,674 bunk beds at a cost of K5 Million. So far, the University has installed 300 bunk beds to accommodate 600 more students. The introduction of 1,670 bunk beds will increase our capacity to 7,018 bed spaces.
In addition, we have an ongoing project under the Government of the Republic of Zambia to construct 4,168 bed spaces.
With regards to student admissions, I now wish to inform the public on the results of Selected First Year Students for 2018/19 Academic Year;
I would like to announce that over 5,794 applicants have been accepted to enrol at the University of Zambia as First Year Students for the 2018/19 Academic Year. These students are broken down as follows:
School leavers First Year Students = 5,416
Non-school leavers Direct Entrants = 378
The direct entrants start their studies at either Second Year or Third Year.
These incoming Students have been given provisional acceptance letters pending proof of sponsorship or capacity to sponsor oneself. This approach was first introduced in the 2017/18 Academic Year in order to avoid the perennial problem the University has been facing of admitting students who cannot pay fees for various reasons. This means that admission will only be confirmed upon provision of a letter of sponsorship and/or payment of fees upfront.
Both first year students and returning students have been urged to take advantage of the flexible tuition fees payment method which allow students to pay in instalments. The online registration will be opened from 28th January 2019 to 31st March 2019. Late registration will begin from 1st to 14th April 2019.
With regards to student governance, I am very delighted to report that we recently finalized the new look University of Zambia Students Union (UNZASU) constitution and through this constitution facilitated election of a new leadership of students under the new constitution. The new constitution has been designed along the cabinet of the State and is aimed at building capacity in our young leaders on how to govern in a holistic manner.
You may recall that UNZASU was suspended two years ago and the new leadership is a breath of fresh air to student governance. As Management, we assure the student Community that we shall work closely with the new leadership for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to highlight some key projects that the University has embarked on in bid to improve its operations and build its business.
The first project I wish to bring to your attention is the Construction of New Two Lecture Theatres.
The University of Zambia has embarked on a project to construct two new and modern lecture theatres at the Great East Road Campus at a total cost of US $ 2 Million. Each lecture theatre will have a sitting capacity of between 400 to 450 students. The bidder has been selected and is waiting contractual obligation formalities before the construction works could commence in 2019.
The second project I wish to share with the nation is the setup of a Maize Milling and Processing Plant at the University of Zambia, Liempe Farm.
I am also delighted to mention that with regards to the operations of the Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC), Government of the Republic of Zambia in partnership with the Government of the People’s Republic of China finalized an agreement to set up a maize milling and processing plant at ATDC at UNZA’s Liempe farm.
The plant will have capacity to process 40 tons of maize in a day. This investment once established will be used by the University of Zambia to strengthen the ability of the ATDC to be self-sustaining. Additionally, the plant will be used for teaching and research purposes in food science. The Maize Milling and Processing Plant will also provide the important forward and backward linkages with our farmers on the one hand, the labour market and the commercial sector.
This Maize Milling and Processing Plant is important for the University of Zambia as it is a major contribution towards fostering the very warm bilateral ties between China and Zambia.
With regards to our alumni Relations and Advancement activities:
Firstly, I would like to thank the corporate sector and the general public, for the support they continue to render to us as we build up our fundraising towards infrastructure development, research and scholarship activities at the University of Zambia.
I am delighted to announce the launch of three major campaigns to which your support can be rendered under UNZA Alumni Relations and Advancement operation.
The first one is the K100 Project Campaign. This campaign is particularly aimed at raising funds for the construction of the Multipurpose Teaching and Learning Centre. Through this campaign, the Alumni Fund has generated K1,200,000 in 2018. The government of the Republic of Zambia pledged K90,000,000 towards this fund. The said amount is to be disbursed in 2019 to cover phase I of the construction of the multipurpose teaching and learning centre.

Forum for Democracy and Development President edith Zewelani Nawakwi with Dr. Jacob Mwanza UNZA – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
The second one is the Buy a Brick Campaign. I am pleased to launch this campaign today as a vehicle for fundraising primarily aimed at pooling resources to cover construction of the University steel fence around the University and to provide a pool of funds for all block works aimed at expanding teaching and learning infrastructure at the University of Zambia.
As you may know, the University of Zambia was built by the Zambian people. Our parents and everyone brought in chickens, goats, cows, stones and whatever they could to ensure that UNZA was built.
We are once again appealing to our alumni out there and all our well – wishers: let us make the nation’s leading University a source of great national pride.
We can make our contributions in the smallest way which together will make a huge difference. All we are asking for from each one of us around the Country is a modest contribution of K3.5n.
The third campaign I launch today is The Adopt a Hostel Campaign. The Adopt a Hostel Campaign is a major initiative aimed at bringing the University Hostels to a good state of repair. Unlike taking a focus on a room, the Adopt a Hostel Campaign is expected to be more holistic in approaching the repair and maintenance works we need to undertake in the hostels.
This campaign is aimed at making the University hostels fit for purpose and in doing so, make them attractive for occupancy by both local and international students.
The focus areas in the Adopt a Hostel Campaign are Water & Sanitation, Electricals and developing Access Controls to our Hostels.

Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) Executive Director Lewis Mwape, with Pascal Bwalya and UNZA Law Lecturer O’brien Kaaba at a Constitutional Consultation at Cresta Golfview Hotel Thursday 25-Friday 26 January 2018 pix by Derrick Sinjela
The 2018/19 Adopt the Hostel Campaign is under the theme Delivering Better Water and Sanitation to the University Hostels. In this campaign, the University of Zambia is seeking to raise Six Million Kwacha (K6,000,000.00).
On behalf of the Alumni Board and the University Community, it is now my honour to launch the Buy a Brick Campaign, the Adopt a Hostel Campaign and the K100 Project Campaign.
The key challenge we have is to gain the support of everyone. I therefore make an earnest appeal that everyone out there including our corporate sector stand with us as we promote the turnaround of UNZA’s infrastructure for teaching and learning.
Recently, there has been a prevalence of cases of our students’ involvement in criminal activities. Drug abuse has been recorded in isolated cases and this alone has been a matter of great concern to the University Caretaker Committee and Management. We assure our stakeholders out there that we shall do everything under our control, working with the Law Enforcement Agents to rid of the University campuses of students who engage themselves in drug abuse and related criminal cases. We have also agreed with the Drug Enforcement Commission to roll out sensitization programmes among our students on the dangers of drug abuse.
I now turn to the second challenge. As you may be aware, a good number of our students have been facing challenges with finances and this impacted negatively on their ability to register as students and subsequently to write the University examinations.

University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union (UNZALARU) Publicity Secretary Dr. Moffat Moyo witnesses donation by female members at Lusaka’s University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Cancer Centre on Wednesday 28th March 2018 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela Rainbow Zambia
I am glad to report that there has been tremendous improvement in our collections of tuition fees as they fall due. I would like to report therefore that out of 14,356 students who sat for examinations, only 665 students had not paid their fees (even 37.5% of their total tuition fees required to register) and as a consequence were not able to write their end of academic-year examinations.
As you are aware, the University has three sources of income namely government grant (28%) and tuition fees (69%) and others (3%). It is important to understand that the University of Zambia requires tuition fee income to operate and to administer examinations as per 2018 budget.
Inability by students to settle outstanding tuition fees has contributed to the many challenges which the University faces. These challenges include failure to pay our creditors on time and the decline in infrastructure for teaching and learning.
Additionally, in our effort to eliminate any form of examination malpractices, the University of Zambia disqualified 12 students from the 14, 356 students who sat for the 2017/18 Academic Year Examinations. These malpractices ranged from carrying foreign materials into the examination Hall and possession of mobile phones in an examination room.
We would like to put on record that the University of Zambia has a zero tolerance stance to examination malpractices and any student found wanting would be immediately disqualified and, after the internal investigations, excluded from the University. The examination process is very important for us as it is the final gateway aimed at ensuring that only the right quality of students progress to the next level and indeed graduate. We would like to call upon students therefore to use their time wisely and study hard.

UNZARALU donates at Cancer Hospital
Ladies and Gentlemen, our Inadequate infrastructure for teaching and learning remains as one of the major challenges we face. In order to meet the increasing demand for access to the University of Zambia, we need to have a significant expansion and upgrade in our teaching buildings, student accommodation, laboratories, research facilities, staff offices, water supply and sanitation facilities and ICT infrastructure.
However, due to limitations in funding, our infrastructure has declined in quality and quantity. We invite, therefore, our nationals to engage with us through the Buy a Brick Campaign, the Adopt a Room Campaign and indeed the K100 Project Campaign.

University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
As I conclude,
I wish to assure employers of our graduates and all stakeholders that the University of Zambia remains committed to providing high quality training and ultimately, a strong fit between the competencies of our graduates and the skills required in the labour market.
We are a multidisciplinary University with over 350 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Contrary to recent indications in the social media, we have taken a very strong focus on ensuring that our postgraduate students are closely supervised through their progression.
Our Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies working with all the thirteen Schools, the Institute for Distance Education and the Directorate of Quality Assurance remain committed to ensuring that our graduates are admissible for further training and or employment in any part of the world.
I would like to thank our over 200 global and local collaborating partners whose input into our work has helped us to firmly position UNZA as leading centre of knowledge generation and skills development in the Country and globally.
As we turn the page into 2019, I would like to announce that we shall begin the year with the 48th Graduation Ceremony to be held from 4th to 7th March 2019.
In the coming year 2019, we shall embark on a tree planting exercise around the University of Zambia. I therefore look forward to the same level of commitment and support the University community has rendered in the Keep UNZA Clean and Green Campaign in 2018.
I also wish to mention that in 2019 we shall be taking a very strong focus on Implementation of our Quality Assurance Framework and the Open and Distance Learning Policy. We would like to grow our student population as a strategy towards achieving financial sustainability. But to do so, we need to ensure that we maintain quality in all academic and administrative processes.
From an Alumni Relations and Advancement perspective, I would like to inform the public that in addition to the three campaigns we have launched today namely the Adopt a Hostel Campaign Project, the K100 Project Campaign and the Buy a Brick Campaign, we will be opening an Alumni Store at the East Park Mall. In all these initiatives, we call for the support of the corporate sector and all our country men and women.

Press Briefing by the University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor Professor Luke Mumba held in the Senate Chamber from 10: 00 hours on Wednesday 12th December 2018
I would like to thank everyone for coming to this morning’s media briefing. I thank in particular the media for their support.
Thank-you and best wishes in 2019
Merry Xmas and Happy New year to all our staff, students and stakeholders
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