Pay ageing retires, Africa Consumer Union courts Margaret Mwanakatwe
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By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia
AFRICA Consumer Union (ACU) 1st Vice President Muyunda Ililonga is prodding Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe to show empathy by paying retirees their pension countrywide.
Following a protracted campaign to access their pension, Mr. Illilonga implored the Zambian Government led by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Vice President Ms. Inonge Mutukwa-Wina to realise that a society concern for the poor is judged by the manner ageing community is treated.

Ililonga implored President Lungu, Veep Mutukwa-Wina through Ms. Mwanakatwe to earnestly honour a pledge to pay pensioners their long-awaited dues (money).
In a Thursday, 6th December 2018 Media Statement entitled: “RE: PAY RETIREES BENEFITS” reiterated the African Consumer Union desire that Government practically attends to citizens’ problems beyond mere flowerly speeches”
“When Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka Central Member of Parliament (MP) Margaret Mwanakatwe was appointed Minister of Finance she said very good things about dismantling payment of benefits for retirees at the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF). But that was all; just good words. The Minister has failed to live by her word and retirees- men and women who have served this country (Zambia) with honour and dignity for many years languish in poverty and compete for sleeping space with street kids on the streets of Lusaka in search of their terminal benefits. Mwanakatwe would shed tears if she visited PSPF and heard testimonies of the retirees,” grieved Illilonga.

Muyunda Ililonga 1st vice president
Africa Consumer Union (ACU)
Contact: phone/watsap
Francin c Mwale 0975192709/0977800018
Juba Sakala 0977564349
bomuyunda@gmail. com

Finance Minister , Hon. Margaret Mwanakatwe, who is also Lusaka Centre MP, pictured with her Husband Mpanga Mwanakatwe upon arrival at Parliament to Present the 2018-19 Budget
A distraught Ililonga lamented that “NO FUNDING” is the slogan that retirees have become used to at PSPF.
“Where is equity, leaders are always quick at paying themselves their dues leaving ordinary citizens to fend for themselves like ‘Village Chickens’ cried Illilonga.
Illilonga says retirees are consumers with special needs, pointing out that on account of their advanced ages they need access to medical care, drugs and good nutrition.
Further, many retirees have immerse responsibilities looking after ‘big families’ and even orphans observed Illilonga.
“They-Retirees-deserve some residue of sympathy, but the system in which they invested their life-time savings in the hope of escaping poverty in future has failed them. We call upon Govt to pull up their socks and attend to the plight of retirees by timely release of their benefits. Delay in paying benefits erode their incomes as there is on interest accrued on the benefits no matter how long it takes to receive their money. This is a serious violation of their economic and social rights as enshrined in the Zambian Republican Constitution. Many of whom have waited for their benefits for several years, have been very patient with Govt, partly due to their advanced ages, but they should not be taken for granted,” advised Illilonga.
Illilonga says it is concerning and will be a great shame to see ageing community represented by the Senior Citizens Association of Zambia (SCAZ) protest publicly over non-payment of their benefits.
“Every society is judged by the way in which it treats its elderly, the question to the Minister is; how will you fare?,” admonished Muyunda Illilonga observed on behalf of the African Consumer Union.

AFRICA Consumer Union (ACU) 1st Vice President Muyunda Ililonga

Joyce Nyama, Fredson Yamba, Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe & Dr. Emmanuel Pamu Kawama Goma-Simumba, Mukuli Chikuba, Joyce Nyama & Dr. Dick Sichembe.
Muyunda Ililonga
1st vice president
Africa Consumer Union (ACU)
Contact: phone/watsap
Francin c Mwale 0975192709/0977800018
Juba Sakala 0977564349
bomuyunda@gmail. com