Zambia’s Business Conference on industrialisation, job creation set for 30th November 2018, says PS Mushuma Mulenga
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Chibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.)
LUSAKA, Wednesday, 7 November 2018
The Zambian National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC), one of the entities of the Ministry of National Development Planning, will on 30th November 2018 host the first-ever Bi-Annual Business Conference focusing on industrialisation and job creation as espoused in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) at Lusaka’s Taj Pamodzi Hotel.
Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation) Mr. Mushuma Mulenga told a media briefing in Lusaka on Friday 9th November 2018.

National Development Planning Ministry Permanent Secretary (Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation) Mr. Mushuma Mulenga
The Permanent Secretary said the Business Conference will provide a forum for dialogue between decision makers both in Government and the private sector in the implementation of the 7NDP and other national frameworks.
“The National Economic Advisory Council together with various business leaders will be hosting ‘Bi-annual Business Conference Series’ with the inaugural conference scheduled for 29th November 2018.
The Conference series are a way of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy Paper on Industrialisation and Job Creation under the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP),” said Mr. Mulenga, who was franked by NEAC Executive Director Mr. Webby Wake.
The Permanent Secretary said the NEAC realises that one of the best ways to accelerate industrialisation and job creation was through constant dialogue between the private sector and Government.
“The private sector is widely acknowledged to be an effective agent of change and a key partner in the implementation of any country’s developmental agenda,” Mr. Mulenga said. “NEAC also realises that business growth is an essential ingredient in the alleviation of poverty and as a means of providing many economic opportunities to society.”
He said the development of partnerships between the Government and the private sector need to be supported and encouraged to speed up development.
He said failure for the Government and the private sector would result in missed opportunities to effectively tackle social and economic problems, and drive development more effectively.

BANK of Zambia (BoZ) Deputy Governor for Operations Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu with ZANACO Board Chairperson Ms. Charity Lumpa and Managing Director Henk G. Mulder
“The conference will be held at Taj Pamodzi Hotel from 08:30 hours to 16:30 hours on 29 November. The theme of this inaugural high-level conference is “Accelerating the Implementation of Industrial Diversification and Job Creation’,” Mr. Mulenga said “This conference will bring together senior policy makers in Government and business executives to round table panel discussions on commitments by both Government and the private sector towards economic diversification and creating jobs. The main sponsor for this inaugural conference is ZANACO.”
He said the bi-annual conferences would provide a platform through which the private sector could interact with Government.
“As the Ministry we are very excited about this upcoming conference because it allows us to look at the programmes that are being implemented by the Government from a private sector angle and to look at the impact that Government programmes are having on the private sector,” said Mr. Mulenga. “The engine of the growth of the economy will be the private sector. Therefore, I would like to invite the media to be part of the conference to disseminate the outcomes of that conference and make follow-ups on whatever resolutions that will be made in the conference. The media has done a very good job of highlighting a lot of aspects of the Seventh National Development Plan and we hope that we can continue with that spirit.”

Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation) Mr. Mushuma Mulenga
The Permanent Secretary commended the media for its continued support in dissemination of information on the implementation of the 7NDP and Government’s development agenda in general.
NEAC Executive Director Mr. Webby Wake said the bi-annual conference would be a good platform through which the Government would interact with the private sector.
“The growth of the private sector is what will create jobs and grow our economy and generate resources that the Government requires to invest in various sectors such as health, education etc,” said Mr. Wake.
At least 300 delegates are expected to participate.

Chibaula David Silwamba

Chibaula David Silwamba at UN
Issued by Chibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.) Spokesperson
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MNDP/5/6/1 Media Statement For Immediate Release