Call for Proposals U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2019 (December 5, 2018)
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US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Lewis Foote at Mukuba House Monday 30 July 2018 pix b Derrick Sinjela
Call for Proposals: U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2019
(December 5, 2018)
Lusaka – The U.S. Embassy and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State are pleased to announce the 2019 call for proposals for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP).
The AFCP was established to help countries preserve their cultural heritage and to demonstrate U.S. respect for other cultures. The projects selected to receive funding under this program will advance U.S. diplomatic goals and demonstrate the depth of U.S. respect for the cultural heritage of Zambia. The fund is aimed at preserving cultural sites, objects, and forms of expression that have historical or cultural significance to the cultural heritage of Zambia. Grant awards may range from $10,000 to $200,000 per project.
The deadline for submitting a proposal in English is Wednesday, December 5, 2018. For information on submitting a proposal and to view the AFCP application guidelines, please visit

Sean McIntosh Public Affairs Officer
Embassy Of The United States Of America Lusaka, Zambia