DJ Cosmo Zambian Dancel Music with Tonix AFRO CAFÉ Zambia
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Gyft M’membe aka Mr. Tonix of the Afro Cafe fad

Confirmed Guest Sunday 11th December 2016 1600hrs DJ Cosmo Zambia
Confirmed Guest This Sunday 11th December 2016 at 16:00hrs is DJ Cosmo Zambiaa on Pan African Radio 105.1 FM hosted by Gyft M’membe talking about the #THESTATMENT ALBUM LAUNCH on The 15th December make a date
DJ Cosmo Zambia Is a dancehall Recoreding artist with a number of hits …….
Enjoy Three Hours of Zambian Dancel Music with Tonix on the show forward your Questions here or via WatsApp on +260975600556
#like AFRO CAFÉ Zambia PAGE for more information