We are delivering quality health, brags Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
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By Bilke Mulenga and Titani Zulu

Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya with UPND Kafue MP Mirriam Chonya
HEALTH Minister Chitalu Chilufya says delivering of quality health services and competent medical personnel to all people in Zambia’s ten provinces.
Currently serving as Patriotic Front (PF) Luapula Dr Chilufya said the Government through Ndeke House administration was on top of everything guaranteeing health care services in Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western Provinces .
An optimistic Dr. Chilufya says Government through the Ministry of Health is investing in human resource development, infrastructure development and effective distribution of drug and medical supplies countrywide.
“Zambia commemorated the World Health Day (WHO) on Saturday 7th April 2018, and the Patriotic Government under the leadership of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has put the health of a human as agenda number one, by enhancing delivery of quality health care services to all. With the issue of universal health coverage my ministry is up to the task to ensure that everyone- no matter where he/she lives or who they are- can access essential quality health services without facing hardships,” said Dr. Chilufya alluding to the 70th Anniversary World Health Day theme: ‘‘Universal health coverage (UHC): everyone, everywhere’’.
Dr. Chilufya holds a professional viewpoint that when people start receiving quality health care, such a guarantee translates into economic development as the healthier people remain key toward achieving development agenda.
‘’The infrastructural development, and human resource recruiting and postings show that the Government is determined to ensure delivering of quality health care services to the people and wealth creation,’’ Dr Chilufya said.

University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers Union (UNZALARU) Publicity Secretary Dr. Moffat Moyo witnesses donation by female members at Lusaka’s University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Cancer Centre on Wednesday 28th March 2018 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela Rainbow Zambia
Aside from goals ascribed in the Seventh National Development Plan and Vision 2030, Zambia is equally implementing the Global Goals for Sustainable Development United Nations (UN) namely: “Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 2. End hunger achieves food security& improved nutrition &promote sustainable agriculture, Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives& promote wellbeing for all at all ages, Goal 4. Ensure inclusive & equitable quality education & promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Goal 5. Achieve gender equality& empower all women &girls, Goal 6. Ensure availability& sustainable management of water & sanitation for al and Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable & modern energy for all
The other SDG’s are Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive &sustainable economic growth, full & productive employment and decent work for all, Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive &sustainable industrialization& foster innovation, Goal 10. Reduce inequality within &among countries, Goal 11. Make cities &human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient& sustainable, Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption& production, Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change& its impacts, Goal 14. Conserve & sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development, Goal 15. Protect, restore & promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,& halt & reverse land degradation &halt biodiversity, Goal16. Promote peaceful & inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all& build effective, accountable& inclusive institutions at all levels and Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation& revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

SENIOR Chief Nkula of the Bemba Speaking People of Chinsali District of Muchinga Wed 14 March 2018 by Derrick Sinjela
In September 2000, world leaders committed their nations to achieving eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. These goals range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education. To attain them, the

SENIOR Chief Nkula of the Bemba Speaking People of Chinsali District of Muchinga Wed 14 March 2018 by Derrick Sinjela
-General has launched different initiatives, including the Zero Hunger Challenge and Every Woman, Every Child. Great progress has been made in reaching many of these goals, but much more needs to be done.