Zambian DNA’s Spuki Mulemwa backs National Health Insurance bill
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Spuki Mulemwa and ba Brian Chengala Shakarongo
By Fulman Mukobeko
- Spuki Mulemwa with Dr. Canisius Banda
ZAMBIAN DNA Spokesperson Spuki Mulemwa is elated that Parliament has resumed its sitting after it adjourned sine die on December 13, 2017.
The Parliament session will, among other critical business in the House, consider the National Health Insurance, Human Rights Commission and Access to Information Bills.
The National Health Insurance Bill, once enacted, will help improve many poor majority Zambians’ access to quality health services as well as enhance the delivery of quality health care services for all.
The Human Rights Commission Amendment Act will also help the country improve the human rights situation.
As for the much-talked about Access to Information Bill, once Parliament approves it, Mr. Mulemwa
Believes it will greatly spur the sound management of both public and private information held by Government.
“Indeed, we commend President Edgar Lungu, as Head of Government, for taking a great step that demonstrates his political will to improve the Zambian people’s livelihoods,” said Mulemwa.
However, Mulemwa expects all 156 Members of Parliament (MPs) to participate in the debate of the said Bills effectively, pointing out that the proposed laws should be viewed as national issues by both the governing PF and opposition UPND MPs when contributing to the debate in Parliament.
“We urge all Zambians to support the Government for presenting the said Bills as it is a milestone in an effort to improve their welfare,” Mulemwa, a die-hard Patriotic Front ( PF) sympathizer said.