ZANACO- WCFCB clinch 3-year Compensation MoU deal- Maybin Nkholomba
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By Derrick Sinjela
THE Elizabeth Nkumbula led Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) has signed a three year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) facilitating payments to beneficiaries through the bank’s system.
WCFCB Head of Communications and Customer Services Maybin Nkholomba told local media that the Board’s beneficiaries will access their individual funds through Xapit ATM (automated teller machine) cards, proven to be a fast and easy payment solution.
As Zambia digitalises her commercial activity, recipients of the WCFCB will benefit from the comparably countrywide ZANACO, which is in all the ten Zambian provinces, namely; Central, Copperbelt, eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Nothern, North-Western, Southern and Western.
“WCFCB Branch Managers nationwide have been advised to contact ZANACO Branch Managers to facilitate the enrollment of beneficiaries to the Xapit payment. The Board will use of the ZANACO Express agents for locations where the bank did not have branches or ATMs,” a delighted Mr. Nkolomba said.
By signing the MoU with ZANACO, which has branches in all 10 provinces and 74 districts, WCFCB hopes to ease payment solutions for its beneficiaries across the country. Nkolomba said currently the WCFCB had 19, 723 beneficiaries accessing their benefits through different modes.

Zanaco Chris Tembo
Chris Tembo