Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya launches 2016 Water Resources Management Authority Annual report
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Water Sanitation and environmental Protection Minister Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya checking on road encroachment
Water Resources Management Authority Water Resources Management Authority 8th December, 2017 Lusaka For immediate release
ZAMBIA’S WATERS – OUR FUTURE Water Resources Management Authority releases Annual Report • The Water Resources Management Authority launched its Annual Report 2016 in the presence of Government Ministers, Senior Officials and representatives of the private sector and civil society•

Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya is Minister of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection
Honorable Lloyd M. Kaziya, Minister of Water Development, Sanitation, and Environmental Protection, commends the organization for the successful work done and encourages citizens, the private sector and authorities to work with WARMA to ensure Zambia’s water resources benefit the key sectors of the economy as a prerequisite for the development of the nation.
Permanent Secretary Dr. Bishop Edward Chomba reiterates the importance of WARMA to roll-out into catchments and sub-catchments and engage key water users and local authorities in water user associations to ensure effective governance for an equitable allocation of water resources, in particular under scenarios of climate change.

Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya is Minister of Water, Sanitation and Environmental Protection
For the first time in its young history, the Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) releases an annual report to inform the general public about its achievements. Addressing key water users present, Hon. Lloyd M. Kaziya, Minister of Water Development, Sanitation, and Environmental Protection, ceremonially cut the ribbon on the report, launched the organisation’s new logo and wished staff and WARMA’s newly nominated board members a successful year 2018.
Hon. Kaziya emphasized the critical importance of managing Zambia’s water resources for the key sectors of the economy, namely agriculture, energy, mining and tourism and encouraged all stakeholders to cooperate with authority. Mr. Lemmy Namayanga, Acting Director General, presented WARMA successes of 2016.
With highlights from managing the surface and groundwater resources in the nation’s six water catchments, he emphasized on the need to address pollution in Zambia’s rivers, the importance to protect their headwaters and the necessity to allocate water resources equitably through Catchment and sub-catchment management plans. Important steps were also taken in establishing the decentralized structures of the organization, a prerequisite for the management of a resource that does not stop at administrative boundaries.
While the organization is managing Zambia’s water resources since 2014, he reiterated that the launch of the Annual Report is an important step in informing the general public about the organisation’s activities. Enriched with a broad cultural programme, the launch event provided an opportunity for key water users from the energy, agricultural and beverage sectors to discuss with nature conservationists the critical aspect of water security for their operations.
WARMA proves that the authority is willing to break new grounds to manage and safeguard Zambia’s water resources for our and future generations.

Kaziya Lloyd Mulenga is Water Development Minister
About WARMA:WARMA is an authority whose main function, as spelt out in the WRM Act No. 21 of 2011 is “to promote and adopt a dynamic, gender-sensitive, integrated, interactive, participatory and multi-sectoral approach to water resources management and development that includes human, land, environment and socio-economic considerations, especially poverty reduction and the elimination of water borne diseases, including malaria”.
WARMA is responsible for managing, regulating and safeguarding Zambia’s water resources in an integrated, participatory and sustainable manner based on human, land, environment and socio-economic considerations.