Brian Mushimba launches Women’s Empowerment Fund (WEF) & Cooperating Partners donation on Friday 13th – Saturday 14th October 2017
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Brian Mushimba MP, Minister of Transport & Communications
Launch of the Women’s Empowerment Fund (WEF) & Presentation of a donation by Cooperating Partners on Friday 13th – Saturday 14th October 2017.
Hon. Brian Mushimba Kankoyo Member of Parliament – Minister of Transport & Communications
Minister arrives at Luansobe Community School at 14:00 hours on October 13, 2017 to receive donation from cooperating partners on behalf of selected schools in Kankoyo onstituency.
Newly constituted Empowerment Committee Members from Butondo meets Hon. Brian Mushimba at 09:00 hours on Saturday October 14, 2017
Minister officialy launch the Women Empowerment Fund (WEF) at Butondo market at 09:20 hours.
Minister arrives at St Anne Catholic Church to hand over Chigayo (to the church at 10:30 hours
Newly constituted Empowerment Committee Members meets Hon. Mushimba at 11:30 hours at Chibolya market.
Hon. Brian Mushimba launches second bunch of the Women Empowerment Fund (WEF) at Chibolya market at 11:50 hours.
Minister arrives at St Michael Catholic Church in Chibolya at 12:00 hours to hand over a newly installed Chigayo (Hammer Mill) to the community.
Minister hand over five wheelchairs to five disabled members of the community at Old Peoples Home (OPH) in Chibolya at 12:30 hours.
Newly constituted Empowerment Committee Members meet the minister at 13:30 hours at Kwacha market

Zambian Transport and Communications Minister Brian Mushimba big plansfor Kankoyo Constituency in Mufulira
Minister roll out the third bunch of the Women Empowerment Fund (WEF) at 13:50 hours at Kwacha market.
Minister arrives at United Church of Zambia in Kankoyo Central to hand over Chigayo (Hammer Mill) at 14:30 hours.
End of programme at 15:00 hours
Minister takes questions from the media on projects being undertaken in the constituency.
Minister & his entourage leaves for Lusaka on Sunday 15th October 2017.