Tumbuka Subjects demand dismissal of Morris Ndhlovu as Chief Mphamba
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30th August, 2017 Royal Crown Prince Bryce Mfune,
Hon. Lawrence J. Sichalwe, Head of Chief Mphamba Royal
Minster of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Family of the Tumbuka people,
Lusaka Mphamba Royal Village,
Zambia P.O BOX 530033,
CELL: 0955 771 143

Bryce Mfune with wife
Hon. Minister,

President Edgar Lungu with Chawama MP Lawrence Sichalwe in Lusaka-picture by Tenson Mkhala
- A unanimous call by Tumbuka Subjects have demanded that Morris Ndhlovu Crown Chief Mphamba should be dismissed from his throne due to his senseless crude rule. (Find attached letter from Tumbuka subjects).
- I as Head of the Chief Mphamba Royal family have been petitioned to replace him with immediate effect.
- Minister, Morris Ndhlovu suffered from periodical mania mental disorders briefly in 1956 when he was 3 years old and reoccurred in 1960-63 for 4 years and his hair turned grey. Since then he has continued having brief mental disorder attacks. The Mphamba Royal family and I crowned Morris Ndhlovu as Chief Mphamba on 20th June 2009 as a face saver to quench a ten year protracted wrangle from 1996-2005.
- The wrangle was created by Vice President late Lt. General Christone Tembo who in 1996 attempted to install at gun point his niece Esther Nyirenda as Chieftainess Mphamba in LUndazi.
- Late Lt. General Christon Tembo was supported by late Bennie Mwiinga Minister of Local Government and Housing, Chief Magodi and Sub Chief Phikamalaza in Lundazi. Violence ensured and his official vehicle was damaged and scores of people were arrested and detained including Royal GroupHeadman Royal Crown Prince Felix Mbewe.
- Minister,in 1996 I challenged the MMD government and wrote to late President Fredirick Chiluba who consequently appointed an Administrative Committee of Inquiry into the MPhamba Chieftaincy. The committee was headed by now His Royal Highness Imwiko the LItunga Paramount Chief of the Lozi people as its chairman then.
- The outcome of the inquiry report was delayed and in 2002 I discovered that the report contained hoax findings and recommendations. I challenged its authenticity.
- When late Levy Mwanawasa became President, and may his soul rest in peace, I petitioned him over the hoax report. Soon he appointed another commission comprising Royal Chiefs of the House of Chefs. In 2005 the government recognized our royal legitimacy to the Mphamba throne.
- Had it not been for my fearless challenge against Vice President late Lt. General Christon Tembo during the wrangle Morris Ndhlovu would not have been Crown Chief Mphamba. Certainly Lt. General Christon Tembo crucified himself for his ruthless and disgraceful action and was dismissed as Vice President. And when he formed FDD party he was again hounded out as President of the party by his fellow senior members of the party due to his Malawi nationality lineage linings.
- Minister, after a royal family meeting in Lundazi, on 27th November, 2015 I wrote a treatise to His Excellency President Edgar Lungu demanding for his removal from the throne on grounds of his insanity and failure to run the affairs of the chiefdom. The President did not respond upto date.
- On 5th Octorber, 2016 I yet wrote to the President to intervene on grabbed land from poor subjects by force by Chief Mphamba Morris Ndhlovu.
- This time response instead came from the Secretary to the Cabinet Dr Roland Msiska who addressed a minute dated 12th December 2016 to your Permanent Secretary and copied to our GroupHeadman Dunda Tenso Zimba requesting for review and possible guidance on grabbed land from Headmen in Lundazi. Since then the matter has been silent. ( Find attached copy of the minute from Dr Roland Msiska).
- The Mphamba Royal family and I totally support the action taken by GroupHeadmen and their people. Indeed Morris Ndhlovu Chief Mphamba should be dismissed and Statutory Instrument No.115 of December, 2008 should be cancelled.
- Minister, currently the life of Morris Ndhlovu Chief Mphamba is in danger. Recall Chief Tafuna of the Lungu tribe in Mphulungu in the Northern Province who was speared and axed to death. Similarly Chief Chamunda of the Lala tribe in Serenje in the Central Province was shot dead at point blank. The killing of these two royal chiefs is as a result of ruthless and greedy Chiefs grabbing land by force from their subjects apart from family feuds just like Morris Ndhlovu Chief Mphamba is doing in Lundazi. I urge you Hon. Minister and the Chairperson House of Chiefs to compile compelling recommendations to His Excellency President Edgar Lungu to dismiss him. Yes, dismiss him before he is savagely killed.
- Minister, land in Tumbuka traditional norms is strictly for sitting subjects in their respective villages of residence. A royal chief has no powers or authority whatsoever to take or grab land from subjects without consultations and other supplementary negotiations.
- Villagers themselves choose or elect Headmen or Headwomen as well as GroupHead men or GroupHeadwomen in a mutual collective family decision. Therefore a Chief does not participate in such a process and accordingly he as no powers or authority to appoint or dismiss them. These positions have been in existence since the crowning of the first Chief Mphamba Nyanjagha at Manthulu.
- Headman or Headwoman customarily in Tumbuka means ‘’Mutu wa Muzi’’ and in plural in Tumbuka means ‘’Miti ya Mizi ‘’ meaning’’Village Heads’’. The title GroupHeadman or GroupHeadwoman in Tumbuka means ‘’Nkabi ya Muzi ‘’and in plural means ‘’Nkabi za MIzi’’ meaning ‘’GroupHeads’’.
- Minister, in an ordinary collective setting a Tumbuka Traditional Court is known as ‘’Mphala ya Madando’’ meaning ‘’Complaints Court ‘’. Here the Chief appoints complaints adjudicators who also are dependable advisors to the chief. These are known in Tumbuka as ‘’Madodana ‘’ meaning ‘’Adjudicators or Advisors ‘’. In single term means ‘’Mudodana .These Adjudicators or Advisors can be dismissed on exceptional cases by the Chief on grounds of breach of conduct likely to put the Complaints Court in disrepute. ‘’Nduna’’ is a borrowed title from the Ngoni traditions. In Ngoni hereditary a Nduna is an Advisor or in certain cases a Sub Chief. Most Chiefdoms in Zambia have adopted this title and is confused with the title of Headman or Headwoman.
- Minister, my research has revealed that the Mphamba Chiefdom has been a victim of reduced boundaries by the policy of divide and rule of the past British colonial rulers.
- The original boundaries of the Mphamba Chiefdom stretched to the East where Chewa Chief Mwase Nthembwe and Subchief Kapichila have settled, and further to the south where Chief Chikomeni and Chief Mwase Mphangwe are settled. To the north along Membe stream the original owner of the area was Musangula Ndoro SubChief of C hief Mphamba where SubChief Phikamalaza is squatting today. All subjects are Tumbuka speaking people of Chief Mphamba. These Chewa Chiefs came from Kasungu District in Malawi in search of hiding places from constant attacks by the Ngonis. Only Chewa Chief Mwase Wa Minga remained in the Kasungu District of Malawi.
- In the west Chief Zumwanda begged for protection from Crown Chief Mphamba who gave him the area after he escaped when Muzukuzuku Jere the son of Zwangindaba Jere took over his Chiefdom in Muzambazi located in Embangweni District formerly Loudon in Malawi. Crown Chief Mphamba II Kahonoko Nyirenda who earlier in 1838 had defeated Zwangindaba Jere at Nkazimwene in Lundazi had strong friendly bonds with the Ngonis since they were now equals. This was shortly after Zwangindaba Jere defeated Chief Jumbe of the Kunda people in Fort Jameson now Chipata and quickly in installed his son Mpezeni Jere. Infact Zwangindaba Jere stayed for a period of time at Nkanzimwene in Lundazi until upto 1839 and left for Malawi.
- Minister, in Malawi Zwangidaba Jere accompanied by his three sons namely M’mbelwa Jere, Muzukuzuku Jere and Gwaza Jere and attacked Baza Dokowe a Tumbuka Chief and took over and installed his son M’mbelwa Jere in the Mzimba District of Malawi.
- Zwangindaba Jere was now on the on-slaught and attacked Chief Chikhulamayembe Gondwe of the Tumbuka in Ruphi District in Malawi and was defeated. He turned and went westwards and attacked Chief Chiti Mukulu of the Bemba and was defeated. He went further northward and attacked Swahilis in Tanzania who defeated and massacred his Ngoni warriors with guns.
- Zwangindaba Jere was now limping without able bodied Ngoni warriors. He ended up settling at Songeya at the joint point of three borders of Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi. He died in 1840 at Songeya where his grave lies today.
- Minister, after the death of Zwangindaba Jere in 1840 his three sons M`mbelwa Jere, Muzukuzuku Jere and Gwaza Jere continued attacking and raiding Chewa Chiefs in the Kasungu District of Malawi.
- In 1849 Gwaza Jere attacked and killed Chewa Chief Mwase Nthembwe in the Kasungu District. The other two chiefs Mwase Mphangwe and Mwase Wa Minga continued to defend themselves by organizing a fierce contingent of Chewa warriors who handled cobra poisonous snakes. His warriors threw the cobra snakes in front of advancing Ngoni warriors and Gwaza Jere was beaten to death.
- Minister, in 1886 BSA Company officials founded Crown Chief Mphamba III Kavungauta Ngwira “ Chifwiti” in Lundazi. ( BSA means British South African Company). In 1896 BSA official Robert Codrington became Administrator of North Eastern Rhodesia and was based at Nabwalya in Mpika and was in agreement with Crown Chief Mphamba III “Chifwiti” to build a BOMA meaning British Overseas Military Administration in his area in Lundazi.
- By 1904 Lundazi was recognized as a District Administrative Centre and soon tax Levy was imposed on Crown Chief Mphamba`s subjects.Crown Chief Mphamba III “ Chifwiti” bravely refused to pay tax and his subjects resorted to hiding into the bush for three Months or more each time British Colonial tax collectors appeared into their villages.
- Minister,Crown Chief Mphamba III “ Chifwiti” meaning “The great witch” used to tell-off white British Colonial tax collectors in Tumboka language saying “ Kanene Kwa DC Kuti Mphamba Wakana Kusonkha Musonkho” meaning “ Report to the DC ( District Commissioner) that Chief Mphamba has refused to pay tax.Crown Chief Mphamba III “ Chifwiti” stack to his stance of refusing to pay tax at the displeasure of British Colonialists .
- The white British Colonial officials began mispronouncing the word “Kanene” as “Kanele”. Lundazi today is known by a disparaging popular nickname of “kanele Box 1”. Kanele in Tumbuka language is meaningless.
- On 17th October, 1929 the Governor of Northern Rhodesia Sir James Maxwell Crawford visited Crown Chief Mphamba III “Chifwiti” at his palace in Lundazi to appease and convince him to pay tax without success until “Chifwiti`s” death on 3rd October, 1935.
- Minister, the stance taken by Crown Chief Mphamba III “ Chifwiti” of refusing to pay tax to the British Colonial government was later to be at a high cost and suicidal :-
- After the death of Crown Chief Mphamba III “Chifwiti” on 3rd October, 1935 the British colonial government banned Kulonga Traditional Ceremony of the Tumbuka people in Lundazi.
- The elevation of Crown Chief Mphamba to the position of Paramount Chief was cancelled by the British colonial government despite Chief Mphamba was the overall original ruler over Chief Kazembe, Chief Mwanya, Chief Chikwa, Chief Chifunda and Chief Tembwe in Lundazi. All these five Chiefs paid homage to Chief Mphamba II Kahonoko Nyirenda at Nkazimwene and these Chiefs used to address him in a kneeling position and Chanted a royal praise of “ Yebo Kalonga” meaning ‘’Your Majesty the King”.The Mphamba Royal family is yet to petition the government over the Paramount Chietaincy of Crown Chief MPhamba.
- The Mphamba chiefdom boundaries were oppressively reduced by the British colonial government in favour of foreign Chewa Chiefs Mwase Nthembwe, Kapichila, Chikomeni and Mwase Mphangwe who came from Kasungu in Malawi and encroached into the vast land of Crown Chief Mphamba. The Chewa Chiefs were favoured because they accepted to pay tax to the British Colonial government and Mwase Nthembwe and Mwase Mphangwe were elevated to the position of senior chiefs.
- Unfortunately now our mentally retarded Chief Mphamba Morris Ndhlovu has added to the saga of already reduced boundaries by grabbing land from defenceless poor people and surrendering the land to people with no fixed abode, and most of these people have acquired title deeds and no subject as been compensated and given alternative settlements.
- Minister, mentally unstable Chief Mphamba VI Morris Ndhlovu has turned the Mphamba Chiefdom into a quango legality. I request you Hon Minister, and the Chairperson of the House of Chiefs to compile compelling recommendations to His Excellency President Edgar Lungu who has statutory powers to dismiss Morris Ndhlovu as Chief Mphamba VI to avoid bloodshed in Lundazi. The habit of high court procedures will entail prolonged trial and delayed judgment and impatience may grow among the already annoyed subjects.
- For easy reference please find attached copy of a minute from the British Provincial Commissioner N.S Price who was based at Fort Jameson now Chipata dated 15th January 1952 addressed to the Lundazi District Commissioner who was then L Button over the Tumbuka-Chewa boundary dispute where Chief Mphamba was gagged and suppressed by British Colonial government. This issue of boundaries was revived by Chief Mphamba IV Bandawe Nyirenda Nyathi Dweku Thuli Wajitundira who ended up being deposed by the British Colonial government in 1954 for alleged organizing political agitation against British rule.
Yours sincerely,

Prince Byce Mfune with Elijah Ngwale at Pan African Radio 105.1FM pix by Derrick Sinjela 2017 February
Royal Crown Prince Bryce Mfune,
Head of Chief Mphamba Royal
Family of the Tumbuka people,
Mphamba Royal Village,
P.O BOX 530033
Lundazi. 0955 771 143
CC His Excellency President Edgar Lungu CC His Excellency Dr. Kenneth Kaunda First President
CC Her Honour Inonge Wina Vice President CC Group Headman Dunda –Tenson Zimba-Lundazi
CC Minister of Defence CC Minister of Home Affairs CC Minister of Foreign Affairs CC Minister of Justice
CC Minister of Local Government CC Chief Justice CC Speaker of the National Assembly CC Secretary to the Cabinet
CC British High Commissioner CC High Commissioner – South Africa CC High Commissioner – Namibia CC Chairperson House of Chiefs CC Permanent Secretary –Chiefs and Traditional Affairs CC Chairman of Human Right CC Attorney General
CC Solicitor General CC Inspector General of Police CC Director General of Intelligence (SD) CC District Commissioner –Lundazi CC Council Chairperson Lundazi= CC Officer in Charge Zambia Police Lundazi CC Officer in charge Office of the President –Lundazi CC District Officer –Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Lundazi
–Lundazi District in the Eastern province of Zambia (population 33,840) is the ‘BOMA’ (British Overseas Military Administration) or District administration centre for the central portion for the Province. It borders Chama district to the north, Chipata to the south and has an international border with Malawi to the east. Lundazi’s gateway to Malawi, Lusuntha border post, about 12 Km’s from Lundazi Post Office, remains open from 6am to 6pm, every day. Lundazi straddles the Luangwa Valley and the Nyika plateau.
The Population estimates are a projection from the 2010 Census of Population and housing.
The District, which derives its name from the Lundazi River, has the distinction of having Zambia’s only authentic Castle. Its nickname, ‘Bokosi wanu, Kanele’, came from a British colonel who settled in Lundazi and for sometime had the only post box in Lundazi. During the time, everyone else had to receive their mail care of the obliging colonel. P.O. Box 1, C\O Colonel, Lundazi somehow became Bokosi wanu, Kanele, Lundazi. The remains of the Colonel are said to be buried in a crypt-like structure in the Lundazi Sports and Recreation Club. His old house now belongs to the Ministry of Health who have converted it into a boarding house for nurses and dubbed it ‘Panadol House. The nearby Kanele School is named in honour of our Colonel.
There are 11 chiefdoms in the Lundazi district Representing 4 tribes; Tumbuka, Chewa, Ngoni, and Bisa. The main local Language is Tumbuka, but as Lundazi becomes more multi-ethnic the more such languages as Nyanja and Bemba are spoken. The 11 Chiefs are: Senior Chief Mwase (Chewa), Chief Mphamba (Tumbuka), Chief Magodi (Ngoni, Tumbuka), Chief Chikomeni (Chewa, Tumbuka), Chief Zumwanda (Chewa), Chief Mwasemphangwe (Chewa), Chief Mwanya (Bisa, Chewa), Chief Chitungulu (Bisa, Chewa), Chief Kazembe (Bisa, Chewa), Chief Kapichila (Chewa), Phikamalaza (Ngoni, Tumbuka)