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Zambia’s former First Republican President Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda
“Honour Kaunda while he is still alive”
Lusaka-Wednesday 23rd November 2016
A Zambian national has called for the Nobel Committee to award Zambian founding father with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Derrick Sinjela, a journalist and community activist has called on Zambians and people from the region to petition the Nobel Committee to honour Dr. Kenneth Kaunda for his immeasurable contributions to mankind and his support to efforts that brought freedom, independence, peace, and unity in Africa and Southern Africa in particular.
Zambia hosted liberation struggle movements from the region and paid a huge price in loss of lives, damage to its infrastructure due to regular bombings targeting the freedom fighters, and the country consequently sustained a huge financial debt.
It was during this period that Dr. Kaunda and his colleagues formed the “Front-line States” to build and champion the attainment of Independence and freedom to the region.
Sinjela asked the Committee to honour Dr. Kaunda while he was alive than honour him posthumously.

Kaunda with Sinjela pix by Zindabah Mwanzah
Write and Petition to:
The Norwegian Nobel Institute
NO-0255 Oslo, Norway
Visiting address: Henrik Ibsens gate 51
Office hours:
Sept. 15 – May 14: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
May 15 – Sept. 14: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Saturdays closed.
Phone: +47 22 12 93 00
Fax: +47 94 76 11 17
E-mail: **
Below is Sinjela’s write up:
Sinjela has asked people to petition the Committee on
Zambia’s former First Republican President Dr.Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda deserves a Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 for immeasurable support to emancipation of people beyond Nelson Mandela and South Africa- Rainbownews Zambia Derrick Sinjela ‘Promoting Diversity in News Coverage Beyond Africa’ +260 211 266 789, +260 955 199 447, +260 969 964 499 +260 977 199 447
Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA) implores the United Nations (UN) to grant Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda a Nobel Peace Prize… and United National Independence Party (UNIP) for immeasurable support toward global peace,’ demands Derrick Sinjela, from House Number 641 New Chilenje Lusaka
KK proposed for 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
REFUGEES and former refugees in Zambia have proposed that the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for Peace be awarded to former President Kenneth Kaunda for his contribution in the liberation of most countries in the Southern African region.
The refugee community in Zambia comprises asylum seekers from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda and other countries.
Vice-chairperson of the refugee community in Lusaka Bernard Pierre-Marie Lukungu made the proposal when the refugee community and UNHCR staff met Dr Kaunda at his office in Lusaka yesterday.
“For his outstanding record, service and sacrifice and laying the foundation on behalf of Zambians, we propose that the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace for 2014 be awarded to Zambia’s founding President Dr David Kenneth Kaunda,” Mr Lukungu said.
He said Dr Kaunda deserved the prize for leading a Government that championed political freedom for neighbouring countries and for 27 years, maintained an open asylum policy, which had been upheld by successive Governments.
Mr Lukungu said Dr Kaunda was the first leader in Africa to show the way by handing over power peacefully after elections in 1991 and was now advancing causes to do with HIV/AIDS and Malaria eradication in Africa.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, we feel that this year, when Zambia marks 50 years of her independence, is an appropriate time to honour and recognise the able, extra-ordinary leadership and Pan African spirit of Dr Kaunda,” he added.
Dr Kaunda’s liberality in opening up Zambia to the international protection of asylum-seekers and refugees is something the refugees greatly cherish and that the 50 years of Zambia’s independence, also marked 50 years of the country hosting refugees as an independent state.
UNHCR Zambia officer-in-charge, Sakor Yohondamkoul said Dr Kaunda’s personal and the unparalleled generosity of Zambians had earned the country enormous respect in the international community.
Mr Yohondamkoul said this had resulted in Zambia being elected to chair, in 2007, the Executive Committee of the UNHCR which is the Commission’s policy-making body.
“As we celebrate the 50 years of Zambia’s independence and your 90th birthday, because of the strong foundation you left, Zambia as a nation continues to keep its open-door asylum policy to refugees and asylum-seekers as enshrined in the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, the 1967 Protocol and the 1969 OAU Convention Relating to Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa,” he said.
He also applauded Government for working with the UNHCR, in pursuing sustainable solutions for refugees and former refugees, mainly through voluntary repatriation, resettlement and recently through the local integration programme.
Dr Kaunda said he was humbled by the visit and that he was particularly happy that his long time motto of loving one another was being appreciated long after he left office.