Review Employment Act, ZAFOD prods Shamenda
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By Derrick Sinjela published on Monday 11th July 2011
RESEARCH and Marketing Manager at the Zambia Federation of Employers John Banda says there is need for Government through Labour, Sports and Youth Minister Fackson Shamenda to amend the Employment Act.

President Michael Chilufya Sata with Guy Ryder Director General of International Labour Organization and Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda
Banda believes that amending the Employment Act will ultimately result in formulation of appropriate HIV and AIDS, a necessary safeguard from discrimination among workers.
Banda explained that in its current form, the Employment Act did not adequately protect the plight of workers in relation to HIV and AIDS policies.
Speaking during the Access Bank/ Friends Africa SME Workplace Policies Development workshop at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka, Banda observed that National Workplace Policy provided effective framework to co-ordinate and collaborate action toward a worker-friendly environment.
“Government should amend Employment Act to compel workplaces introduce HIV and AIDS Policy. These policies should cover all employment sectors formal, informal, small and large businesses. The aim is to provide guidance to employers,” reiterated Banda.
And Workplace HIV Programming Specialist Gladys Kamanga said a workplace policy acted as a centre piece of implementing effective HIV/AIDS strategies.
“The policy helps employees with HIV/AIDS to access support for themselves, dependants and spouses. There is need to ensure that the policy and plan of action is widely disseminated. HIV, TB and Malaria is a business issue and it deprives businesses of skilled and experienced employees also it affects labour and productivity,” noted Kamanga pointing out that these communicable diseases impact on business and the economy is rated at one-third.