Haris Dedovic
The EYP Corner
Dear young media makers,
On 18-19 September the European Youth Press held a General Assembly in Berlin, Germany. Our fellow Board members Anna Saraste, Martin Maska and Dmitri Romanovski ended their mandate. Dmitri applied and got elected for the position on the Advisory Board of EYP. Anna Saraste did not apply for any other position, but will stay in contact with the Executive Board for any help needed. Martin Maska applied for a second mandate as treasurer and got elected with all votes in favor. During the GA two new Executive Board members were elected: Greg Bianchi and Jane Fintova. Welcome to the team!
We are also happy to welcome some new organisations with full membership in the EYP network: Mladiinfo Montenegro, Bué Fixe Portugal, FEJS Latvia, C.H.I.P.S. – Stampmedia Belgium, and UP – Ungdomsproduktion Denmark. We congratulate them all and hope for some strong cooperation with other member organisations, as well as with EYP itself.
As usual, our newsletter provides different opportunities for young journalists, and you can meet one of our MO’s; Bué Fixe Portugal. We aim to share as many pieces of news and upcoming calls as possible in this newsletter. Please send your contributions and stay in touch with us via email, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We are here for you!
With greetings from Europe,
Haris Dedovic

P.s. If you are in Berlin on 8 December, please visit our fundraising event Zero Ninety from 7pm to 10pm, in Exozet Berlin GhmbH | Platz der Luftbrucke 4-6 | DE-12101 Berlin.
In this issue: