“TI-Z’s Raymond Mutale seeks Financial Transparency in Zambia’s Political Party finaning” …as ZCID’s Doreen Njovu Calls for Financial Reform”
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“TI-Z’s Raymond Mutale seeks Financial Transparency in Zambia’s Political Party finaning”…as ZCID’s Doreen Njovu Calls for Financial Reform”

Good Governance and Electoral academicians during a political party gathering convened by Transparency International Zambia and Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue in Lusaka on Monday 24th June 2024. – Picture by Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA)
By Derrick Sinjela
Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) Acting Executive Director Raymond Mutale spoke at a validation meeting on political party and campaign financing regulation.
The Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) Executive Director, Ms. Doreen Njovu, delivered a keynote speech at a plenary workshop on political party and campaign finance regulation.
Ms. Njovu expressed gratitude to stakeholders and political parties for their participation in the technical meeting, which aimed to analyze the regulatory landscape and develop legislative recommendations.
Mr. Mutale expressed delight to address the issue, which is gaining global attention.

“TI-Z’s Raymond Mutale seeks Financial Transparency in Zambia’s Political Party finaning”
Substantively serving as TI-Z Programmes Manager, Mutale emphasized that political parties play a crucial role in democracy, but Zambia lacks a legal framework for their financing.
This lack of regulation allows parties to source funds from questionable sources, contrary to the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.
Mutale noted that previous attempts to legislate political party financing failed, but TI-Z is mobilizing parties to push for regulation.
Mutale called for reforms to ensure transparency and accountability in political financing, citing six key tenets: disclosure, reporting, publication, ceiling on contributions, establishment of a special fund, and forensic examination of financial reports.
Mutale stressed the need for complete transparency to avoid undue influence and ensure political governance accountability.

ZCID Executive Director Ms. Doreen Njovu Calls for Financial Reform”
On her part, Ms. Njovu commended the efforts of ZCID and Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) in advancing advocacy for political party regulation and campaign financing.
Ms. Njovu noted that Zambia lacks specific legislation regulating political party finance and mandating disclosure, but hoped that the collaborative effort would lead to recommendations for a model political party bill. Njovu emphasized the importance of a legal framework that sets minimum standards for political parties’ operation and guarantees their freedoms and protection under the constitution. She encouraged honest discussions on political funding, highlighting the need for an ideal framework that addresses party integrity, regulation, inclusion, intra-party democracy, and financing. The workshop aimed to validate submissions and prepare a final draft of the consolidated document and model bill. Njovu expressed appreciation for the financial support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

United National Independence Party delegates