Douglas Munsaka Siakalima appoints Higher Education Authority Board
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Douglas Munsaka Siakalima with Derrick Sinejla
By Francis Maingaila Mwiinga
Minister of Education (MoE) Douglas Munsaka Siakalima unveiled and inaugurated the new Board of Directors for the Siakalima appoints Higher Education Authority Board (HEA) calling for the correction of all anomalies that existed during the absence of the board.
And speaking earlier, MoE Permanent Secretary PS for Administration (PS-Admin) Ms. Noriana Muneku expressed a sigh of relief now that the board headed by Professor Levy Siaminwe is inaugurated, after a six (6) year lull, when all matters had to be resolved by MoE technocrats.
The full Higher Education Authority Board is: “Chairperson Levy Siaminwe, Vice Chairperson (will be elected by members);
Board Members, Cleopus Takaizya, Chipego Zulu, , Faith Wamundila, George Hamusunga, Mazila Mwinga, Teza Nakazwe, Vivian Ndlovu and Prof. Steven Samukanga as an Ex -Official.
Ms.Muneku said the Higher Education Authority is the regulator that ought to lead by example, with an advisory that the board will be making a serious mistake to think that as a regulator, it is supposed to be at its best.
“The main business of the board is to ensure the smooth and speedy operation of accreditation of institutions. For them to have credibility over the institutions they have, accreditation must be given.” If it takes too long to provide accreditation and certificates, it would be unfortunate as that’s your core business. I am saying this because institutions have complained a lot that it takes a long time. I think the board should cut down on that and work within the act. It’s extremely important that resources are being taken care of and that you are prudent. It’s not just spending the way you want to spend, but being able to galvanize resources and put them to good use. Other issues can come later, but you need to make sure that the strategic plan addresses the core issues of the business. You need to revisit it and make sure it’s a strategic plan that will be carried out instead of being shoved on shelves gathering dust,” said Muneku as she advised the board to look at what the parliamentary communities are saying regarding issues raised.
“The negative issues, no matter how they may seem, can strengthen the institution if you’re able to look at them and answer them,” said Ms. Muneku.
As he inaugurated the Board, an appreciative Mr. Siakalima explained that the selection of board members was in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Amendment Act 21 Section 7.
“The members of the board were approved by the Cabinet and chaired by the President of the Republic of Zambia, HH. We expect nothing but total commitment and determination from the board in realizing the aspirations of the Zambian public,” prodded Siakalima.
According to the provisions of the Higher Education Amendment Act 21 Section 7(3), the Minister shall appoint the chairperson from among the members of the board.
Members elect the vice chairperson, with Siakalima urging them to urgently look into the digitalization of activities of the authority.
Siakalima says the duty of the board is to identify what is required for the Higher Education Authority to operate in a way that ensures continuing diligence in audits, inspections, and surveillances of higher education institutions.
“The government has placed a high premium on education, extending it to the higher education sector by providing quality higher education.
The responsibility of the board is to guide the Higher Education Authority in enhancing and safeguarding the quality of education. This means that the number of higher education institutions around the country does not matter, but the quality of those institutions in producing graduates that positively add to a productive and competitive workforce and contribute to national development. The board must acquaint itself with the documents of the Higher Education Authority for effective work. The structure must be conformity with the way the business is going. If not, there’s no harm in rethinking and restructuring with the management to ensure that the structure answers to the core business and to the way the business is going to operate smoothly,” said Siakalima.