Zimba-A gateway to Zambia’s Tourist Capital
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Zimba Town Council hosts Smart Zambia Tuesday, 20th December, 2022 in Zimba District of Southern Province
… as Zimba Town Council hosts Smart Zambia
ZIMBA Town Council Secretary Christopher Siasinyanga believes that investment and acquisition of information Communications Technology (ICT) and new media platforms will enhance operational visibility of the local authority.
Speaking when a delegation from Smart Zambia called on him on Tuesday, 20th December, 2022, Mr. Siasinyanga was elated that e-governance will strengthen the council’s geographical proximity to the tourist capital, Livingstone.
The Council Secretary says Zimba is a strategically located district who’s cultural and social economic prospects should be marketed to attract more opportunities for its people.
Mr. Siasinyanga added that the Website Development Initiative has comes at a time when the council is putting in place systems to showcase the various projects that the council is undertaking in Zimba district.
And Smart Zambia Executive Assistant to the National Coordinator, Mr. Kamvwi Lungu has disclosed that Zimba Town Council was among the three districts in Southern Province to Benefit from the Smart Zambia Website Development Programme.
Mr. Lungu explained that the purpose of the E-Governance initiative is to help create an interface between communities and the local authorities.
Lungu reiterated that once communities acquire a better understanding of council operations- Citizen Participation in CDF acquisition prospects will increase.
The E-Governance pilot project will see a total number of 12 councils from Central, Copper belt, Lusaka and Southern Provinces benefit from the website development undertaking.

Zimba Town Council hosts Smart Zambia Tuesday, 20th December, 2022 in Zimba District of Southern Province