Statement delivered by His Excellency Mr. Jacek Jankowski, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA at the occasion of the Launch of the Mwami- Mchinji One Stop Border Post on Wednesday, 7th December 2022
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President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema welcomed in Brussels by Mr. Jacek Jankowski, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA
Statement delivered by His Excellency Mr. Jacek Jankowski, Ambassador of the
European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA at the occasion of the Launch of the Mwami- Mchinji One Stop Border Post on Wednesday, 7th December 2022
• Your Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi;
• Your Excellency Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia;
• Honourable Mr Mark Katsonga Phiri, Minister of Trade and Industry of Malawi
• Honourable Mr Chipoka Mulenga, Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry of Zambia;
• Honourable Ministers Present
• Ms Chileshe Mpundu Kapwepwe, Secretary General of COMESA;
• Distinguished Cooperating Partners;
• Senior Government Officials;
• Distinguished ladies and gentlemen
I am delighted to join their Excellencies, the Presidents of Malawi and Zambia to witness this important occasion of the launch of the Mwami-Mchinji One Stop Border Post. This is yet another milestone in our relations based on the Joint Africa – European Union Strategy principles of ownership, partnership and solidarity. What we are witnessing today is the actualisation of the COMESA’s regional integration agenda through the concrete steps taken by Zambia and Malawi to facilitate trade between them and among regional partners.
Your Excellencies,
Honourable Ministers,
Secretary General
Today, Zambia and Malawi have committed to build and strengthen their economies by enhancing their integration through Trade Facilitation. It is also an example of how COMESA has been honouring, since its creation, its promise to be a driving force for economic integration in Africa. This advance in Trade Facilitation will obviously support the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area and determine the success of the Tripartite Free Trade Area.
However, the overall picture still displays a substantial untapped potential: formal COMESA intra-regional trade remains low at 10% of total trade of the region; trade and transport costs in the region are among the highest in the world; Non-Tariff Barriers are still numerous while many agreed regional commitments are yet to be domesticated at national level.
The question is: what can be done to address all these challenges and further accelerate the pace of integration in Africa and in particular in the COMESA region?

COMESA Secretary General Chileshe Kapwepwe with Mr. Jacek Jankowski, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Zambia and COMESA
The answers are in the hands of the COMESA Member States, and Zambia and Malawi are leading by example in providing effective response to facilitate seamless flow of goods, services and movement of people through this One Stop Border Post. I would like to assure their Excellences, that the European Union, as the biggest trade and cooperating partner of COMESA, remains committed to continue sharing its own experiences and lessons learned and provide technical and financial support based on the regional priorities and the commitments from the COMESA Member States.
Your Excellencies,
Honourable Ministers,
Madame Secretary General,
The EUR 53 Million Trade Facilitation Programme, under which the operationalisation of this OSBP facility has been funded, aligns with the vision of COMESA region as espoused in the 2021-2025 COMESA Medium Term Strategic Plan”. Through COMESA, the EU has provided two Grants of EUR 3.54 Million for support for the Mchinji side of the Border and EUR 1.77 Million for the Mwami side of the border, giving a total of EUR 5.31 Million. In addition to these fundamental assets for the two Countries, and as part of the Nacala corridor support, the European Union also made in the recent past a EUR 44.8 Million contribution for the construction of the Great East Road from the Luangwa Bridge to the Mwami Border under the National Indicative Programme with the Government of Zambia.
The European Union is providing similar support to the upgrading of various border posts under the Trade Facilitation programme at Chirundu border, between Zambia and Malawi; at Nakonde –Tunduma border between Zambia and Tanzania, between Malawi and Mozambique at the Chiponde/Mandimba, at Moyale border between Kenya and Ethiopia and at Galafi Border between Ethiopia and Djibouti.
The European Union will continue its support to COMESA under the new Regional Multiannual Indicative Programme for the period 2021 – 2027. Actions targeting the region are focusing on tackling today’s challenge, which is building Resilient and Sustainable Economies. In 2023, two programmes will be launched to support Trade
Competitiveness and Market Access” for EUR 40 Million and “Trade in Services” for EUR 8.2 Million for the COMESA region. In addition, in 2024 onwards,
COMESA countries will benefit from other EU funded regional programmes on “Trade and Transport Facilitation along strategic corridors”, on “Digital Trade”, on “Regional Competition” and on “Circular Economy”.
Your Excellencies,
Honourable Ministers,
Secretary General,
Let me conclude by acknowledging the dedication and the excellent work by the teams from the COMESA Secretariat and the Governments of Zambia and Malawi, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that what are witnessing today comes to fruition. We now look forward to an efficient operationalisation of the border facilities that will lead to reduced time for crossing the border and increased Trade flows between Zambia and Malawi, and for the region.
The European Union looks forward to our continued strong collaboration in the coming years.
– Thank you for your attention –

President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema with President Lazarus Chakwera