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ZIALE Information and Technology Communication (ICT) Manager, Mr Chomba Malanda Sindazi
By ZIALE’s Information and Technology Communication (ICT) Manager, Mr Chomba Malanda Sindazi
+260 977602894, email: csindazi@ziale.org.zm
IN 2018, the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) embarked on a project to implement a Student Information Management System. This Information Management System is essentially a software solution that the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) use to organise operations and tasks effectively.
Highlighting the objectives of the system, ZIALE’s Information and Technology Communication (ICT) Manager, Mr. Chomba Malanda Sindazi indicated that this system was developed to ensure that all core administrative tasks in the managing of students and procedures, such as student admission, registration, repeaters’ registration and examination registration are easily completed from the student’s computer or mobile device.
Mr. Sindazi further explained that the system allows various Units in the Institute to have total control of students’ data and records. The introduced ZIALE Student Information Management System (ZSIMS) encourages the management of highly accurate data, in a structured and easily accessible format and also empowers transparency across activities and processes.
Currently the ZSMIS is fully functional and has so far improved service delivery at the Institute and this has provided a lot of benefits to both members of staff and stakeholders.
In summary, the ICT Manager stated that the system has achieved the following:
I. Easy Report Generation- The system automatically generates different kinds of reports in all the required formats.
II. Integration with other Software- The system easily integrates with other systems for smooth workflow and operations.
III. High Storage- The system software can store unlimited data of students and offer high scalability.
IV. Restricted Login Access- The system gives restricted access to Students, Lecturers, Assessors and Administrators as per their roles, this is a security and quality control measure.
V. Artificial Intelligence Based Analysis- The system makes use of Artificial Intelligence technology for data analysis and report generation.
VI. With the introduction of online classes, the Institute can manage student attendance online using a biometric system which saves time and provides accurate data.
The Implementation of ZSMIS has reduced the cost of doing business for the Institute and its stakeholders. The Institute has served on a lot of resources as most processes have been automated and the stakeholders have also benefited from this innovation as they have access to various services online from the comfort of their homes and office.
The automation has brought about a competitive advantage in the way the Institute is doing business.
For more details on how to use this system as either a student/ potential student or any feedback on the performance of the system, kindly contact our ICT Unit on +260 977602894, email: csindazi@ziale.org.zm