A DIRGE for OURSELVES ____________ QUEEN ELIZABETH has died. But British overbearingness, sense of entitlement and advantage has NOT!
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But British overbearingness, sense of entitlement and advantage has NOT.
Rishi SUNAK thought that Britain had changed.
Now he knows.
Elizabeth was a mother, a grandmother.
For that, we salute her.
Her empire brutally killed Africans.
Unfeelingly, left them without their mothers, a continent desecrated.
That people are shocked at her passing is itself shocking.
Our tears only flow at the atrocities her monarchy perpetuated.
Atrocities that Megan MARKLE continues to grapple with.
Prince Harry now viewed mentally deranged by British exceptionalism, lost his Britishness for his mere efforts at being human.
Laudable, Elizabeth belonged to the Church of England.
Many other people also belong to their own churches, so freedom maintains.

Megan MARKLE and Prince 🤴 Harry
Her reign plundered Africa.
Her progeny daringly appropriated vast tracts of land, even naming them after themselves, as the sorry case of Rhodesia illustrates.
Men are wont to deify themselves, it is cultural.
This then is today’s fate for Elizabeth, a mere woman called Mary Alexandra.

Betty Kaweche KAUNDA with Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda and Queen 👑 Elizabeth The Second
Africa mourns.
Not Elizabeth, but the history of her reign, which is replete with bloodshed, plunder and subjugation.
Africa celebrates Elizabeth.
For merely being grandmother to Harry, a mutant, a bridge across a timeless canyon, the required existential spirit.
Her own liberty gave her a long life.
The liberty denied others which condition explains their grief and poverty to this day.
Now King, the death of his beloved mother is a cause for much sadness to Charles.
This is indeed an expected and understandable condition for a bereaved son, quite human really.
But that the rest of the world, more so Africa, should express sadness at her passing is itself sad.
It is never a joy to see anyone die, but Elizabeth was old, her life of advantage was lived to the full and was spent, and truth be told, whether King or Queen, this is just how it all ends.
It starts.
And it ends, we all saw it coming.
So then what next for you, dear reader?
Mind your own time now, for your passing is also coming, and when yours comes, trust me, no one will even notice.
It won’t be on the BBC.
So then mourn now.
For your own wretched condition today.

Dr. Canisius Banda