“JESUS!!!! SON OF DAVID – HAVE MERCY ON ME, US,” pleads Mutotwe Kafwaya, US.
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By Hon Mutotwe KAFWAYA, MP
Don’t pass me by, don’t pass us by, don’t pass Zambia by.
Yes, things were not so great. But they are worse now.
I went to church today. And a preacher man spoke well. He talked about GOOD LIFE. He said good life is one that is saved, secured and satisfied.🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Son of David, your people are not yet saved, they are not secured and they are not satisfied.
I even remembered one sermon by a Mega Preacher in a mega church before which said – IT IS TIME TO CHANGE WHAT IS NOT WORKING. The preacher said he’d heard of how people were loosing their businesses, he’d heard of there was a mountain of debt, he’d heard of how difficult it was for people – members of the church.
I was sorry, I am more sorry now because it’s worse now than then.
But see, the mountain of debt is now higher. The rate of business collapse is now higher. The suffering of people is now worse.
I have taken time to gain some understanding of why things are worse now than then. I have found some of the following reasons:
(1) that unit of fuel, which was promised for ZMW12.00, was sold high for ZMW17.00. But it is now sold higher for ZMW25.00. It is worse now than then.
(2) that bag of milie meal, which was promised for ZMW50.00, was sold high for ZMW115.00. But it is now sold higher for more than ZMW150.00. It is worse now than then.
(3) that bag of fertilizer, which was promised for ZMW250.00, was sold high for ZMW500.00. But it is now sold higher for ZMW900.00. It is now worse now than then.
(4) transport costs are higher now than then.
(5) communication costs are higher now than then etc.
In view of the sermon; it’s time to change what is not working. We might have thought that we were changing what wasn’t working for what would work. It it now looks like what we have is both not working and cannot work. I say saw in view of the promises and where we are now.
Jesus son of David, don’t pass us by. “If you don’t intervene in your abundance of mercy then your poor people are consumed.” Said a good preacher today.
Consider how your people suffered in slavery, consider how they suffered in colonialism, consider how they suffered in liberalization struggle, consider how they suffered in neo-colonialism, consider how they suffered in one party dictatorship.
Your people now, cannot afford to suffer further. Son of DAVID, don’t pass us by.
Hon Mutotwe KAFWAYA, MP