*Statement for Immedia”Ban Tobacco Adverts, Sales near Schools,” pleads ZATC’s Vice President Aaron Chansa
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Aaron Chansa Vice President – Zambian Alliance for Tobacco Control (ZATC)
*Statement for Immediate Release*
Kafue – Saturday, 9th April, 2022
In light of the swelling enrolments in public schools as a result of implementing Free Education, the Zambian Alliance for Tobacco Control (ZATC) is appealing to Government to ban advertising and selling of tobacco products near school premises if learners are to concentrate on school without being swayed into deviant behaviour of smoking.
Display of tobacco products at points of sale near schools constitutes, in itself, advertising and promotion of the products to school-going children. This *indiscriminate and* *careless advertising* and selling of tobacco products is detrimental to the discipline, health and education of children in Zambia.
The display of the tobacco products and use thereof around and within school premises stimulate impulse buying of the products by learners. It also gives the impression that it is socially acceptable for tobacco to be consumed by anyone without exception. We urge the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education to immediately put an end to this retrogressive practice. It is bad and ruining children in schools.
Both the display and the consumption of the tobacco products make it very, very difficult for tobacco consumers to quit taking the said products. Children, adolescents and other *young people are* *particularly vulnerable* to the promotional effects of product display.
To ensure that points of sale of tobacco products do not have any promotional elements, Zambia as a party to the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control should introduce a total ban on any display and/or sale of the said products, including fixed retail outlets and street vendors close to any school.
Even tobacco vending machines should be banned because, by their very presence, they are a means of advertising or promotion under the terms of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
Advertising tobacco products may seem relatively harmless, but it has *strong influence on* *children and* *adolescents* . Scientific evidence shows that tobacco company advertising or promotion influences the young to start using tobacco products. Those who are exposed to the products advertised find the adverts appealing.
Tobacco adverts make smoking appear to be the in-thing. The adverts spontaneously increase the children, adolescents and young people’s desire to smoke. This is the more reason why the New Dawn Government must act on this matter with the urgency it deserves.

President Hakainde Hichilema and Health Minister Sylvia Tembo-Masebo
_Issued by:_
*Aaron Chansa*
Vice President – ZATC
Executive Director – NAQEZ
0979 552 885
Email: qualityeducationzambia@gmail.com
*NOTE* : Zambian Alliance for Tobacco Control (ZATC) is a Coalition of Tobacco Free Association of Zambia, Zambia Youth Alliance, Chimbala Foundation,National Stroke Aid , NAQEZ,Zambia Cancer Society,Zambia Heart and Stroke Foundation and Breathlife Zambia .
Website: www.naqez.org