I am ready to Serve In Community Leadership – Geoffrey Pande Mutale
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Young leader
I AM ready to Serve In Community Leadership – Geoffrey Pande Mutale
By Geoffrey Pande Mutale in Lusaka -Personal View Point
I HAVE been interacting with some people regarding my intention to contest for the councillorship in apisha ward in the fourth coming election on Thursaday 12th august, 2021
Geoffrey Pande Mutale is a Zambian citizen, a youth and a resident of Kapisha Township who was born in 1996 on the 31st day of July.
Iam a full time Zambian born in the family of seven and as the second born, I lost my father when I was only ten years old.
My hobbies are reading, writing and doing poetry.
I am not married and I don’t have a child and Iam a Christian who goes to the Christian mission in many lands (cmml church)
I did my primary grades at Simon Mwansa kapwepwe (2005 – 2007)
Twateka Basic (2007 – 2009)
Kabuta community school #DYC (2010)
Kapopo Basic (2011 – 2012)
From there I went to sekela secondary school (2013 – 2015)
While at school I served as a general secretary for scouts (at sekela) where I attained a school certificate.
For two years and in the same periods I was appointed by the school choir to be part of the Secretariat and publicity team.
I have also been trained in basic leadership by Pastor Madalitso Njovu under life Dispensers College in Chingola.

I’m currently serving as a union secretary for Zambia Union of Security Allied Workers (ZUSAW) Chingola Kobra branch.
I have also been to many townships outside Chingola (kapisha) so as to interact with different people at different levels to learn from them and to be trained in different areas especially on topics of leadership and governance as to prepare myself politically, mentally, emotionally, physically, morally and spiritually.
I decided to stand up and be relevant to the society by applying to contest as a councilor on the Democratic Party ticket under the leadership of President Harry Kalaba, Iam fully aware of the repacations ahead of me and how my health, safety and good personal reputation will be affected.
But let me state it clear that am not doing this for fame nor for the purpose of enriching myself just because am coming from poor background no in fact a thousand no!! Am doing this to contribute to the betterment of the community
So this marks the beginning of positive change and development the residents of kapisha have been looking forward to seeing.
I come from a political background where my late dad (Pande Elias ) served as a ward chairman in one of the wards from Lusaka not only him but his elder brother the late Francis malama Pande also contested in the 2006 parliamentary elections under the UPND ticket in chilubi constituency unfortunately he couldn’t make it.
Things are not the way it should be in kapisha because some individuals stand in an arm-folding watching without getting themselves involved in creating a better kapisha.
As a vibrant youth, I have realized that decision cannot continue to be made about us without our involvement and participation and almost everything which is affecting us be it positive or negative is depended on political leadership which we are just spectators to for a long time, so it is very much necessary for me to take up top leadership roles instead of just being used to vote
I believe that it is everyone’s duty to take part in moving our agenda into success rather than standing aside in an arm-folding.
Remember It took a number of Zambian Patriots to rally behind the vision of former president Kaunda and many other leaders in liberating our nation. The front leaders were only there to remind the Zambian people of their responsibility. We are our own saviors and we need to accept this reality and take up the responsibility.
The people of Kapisha are left out of developmental issues and only get bread crumbs from Constituency development fund.
Once elected as area councilor i will represent the views of our people in the community and ensure that their interests are taken into account and I want to ensure that the community gets the right services.
As a young person what people expect from me as a young leader, is the restoration of hope and confidence which they have lost in young people of our generation, not only that but also to bring about youthful energies.
I cannot be a community leader minus addressing issues to do with girl children, my vision is to create a better community for all because even girls require a community that is supportive of menstrual hygiene in order to feel a sense of belonging and live a better life. I have observed that little attention has been given to topics of menstrual hygiene. So, once elected I will ensure that we create facilities and a friendly supportive environment that provides education on menstrual hygiene and sanitary materials for I believe that having adequate WASH facilities is essential to providing equal opportunity for all girls.