Launch Speech by Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) Chairperson Guess Nyirenda delivered @ a Press Briefing @ Four Pillars Lodge, Lusaka on June 9, 2021
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OYV Executive Director Guess Nyirenda (Right) hosted by Zambia’s envoy to Ethiopia, Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba (Left)
Delivered @ a Press Briefing
@ Four Pillars Lodge
On June 9, 2021
9th June, 2021: Media Statement by the Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) on the Launch of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations – Network
The Board Members of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNEZ present;
The Executive Directors of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNEZ;
The Members and Secretariats of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNET present;
The Members of the Media and Comrades;
All protocol observed;
May I simply say distinguished ladies, gentlemen and the Youth of this great country as I also note our colleagues the Persons with disabilities in my general address.
Allow me to address you as Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media:
This speech I am reading to you today – is on behalf of the Members of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ);
It is in three parts: The introduction, the main body or Issues and the Conclusion.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
It was upon acknowledging the need for a strong, stable, efficacy and professionally managed not- for- profit civil society organizations whose work is primarily orientated and focused on or around the plight of the Youth in Zambia;
Also gravely concerned with the cosmetic approach employed by the politicians and duty bearers in addressing the plight of the Youth and/or Young People including Young Women and Young People with Disabilities and further abusing Young People in all manners including disrespecting them, refusal to acknowledge their rights and freedoms, denying them jobs and keeping them in perpetual poverty and disempowered status so as to best use them as tools of political and electoral violence – Subjecting them to the doctrine of divide and rule while dangling cosmetic empowerment resources with the aim of hoodwinking them to believe they are important when in fact the vivid interest is their numbers in election.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
Further affirming the need to create increased citizens’ awareness and knowledge on the plight and needs, challenges and shortcomings including their potential remedies/solutions to these identified issues;
And also cognisant of the inevitability of a collective approach and enhanced collaboration amongst ourselves with the view of ensuring that we fulfill the mandate of advocating and lobbying for the not only desired but also well-deserved Youth status among every youth/young person in Zambia
Further reaffirming our collective role and duty as Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the Zambia and our commitment to work together and collaborate in our efforts;
And furthermore committing to the doctrines of Youth participation be inevitable for progression in any endeavour and sector of life, including in the Democratic and Political Governance; Economic Governance and Management; Corporate Governance; and Social Economic Development and all matters incidental to the foregoing we the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations decided to get together and synergies our efforts, experiences, expertise to champion a Young people’s agenda in the Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) without leaving anyone behind.
The following organizations namely Action Governance Forum (AGF), Common Cause Zambia (CCZ), Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI), Operation Young Vote (OYV), Sport Aid Development Trust and Youth in Action for Disability Inclusion in Zambia (YADIZ) are party to the MoU and Members of the Network this far. Many others have expressed interest but are yet to be admitted.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
The Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) is inspired by the need to ensure that the plight of the Youth/Young People, their deserved needs and deficiencies in participation and empowerment in all sectors are addressed without any delay.
As a Network we will do everything in our efforts within the law to advocate, lobby, and champion the agenda to have the Youth/Young People reclaim their rightful space on the Zambian participation and development trajectory. The Young People cannot continue on the slate they have been subjected on. They cannot continue to beg for what is theirs. With our well thought out motto: “YOUTH POWER, THE TIME IS NOW – MANJE, MANJE SO” – Not even the sky will be the limit in reclaiming rightful space/place.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
As espoused in the objectives of TYNEZ of creating a Platform for efficacy Youth/Young People’s engagement and participation in Democracy and Political Governance; Economic Governance and Management; Corporate Governance; and Social Economic Development and all matters incidental to the foregoing thereby reclaiming their rightly deserved space in the Zambian society the Network will ensure that no stone is left unturned.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
In order to ensure that what we have set for ourselves in the mandate of the network is achieved, we have formulated, developed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as a way to formalize our working relationship as we work together to build each other’s capacity in organizational development and also share and build consensus that would lead to concerted action around advocacy and lobbying for the realization of plight and needs of the Youth/Young People including their efficacy participation to reclaim their space in the development trajectory in Zambia and beyond.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
In furtherance of achieving the mandate the Network has set out some core values and principles that will guide its operations and those of its members which include integrity, professionalism, equity, transparency and accountability, commitment, peace building, volunteerism and Non Partisanship.
Added to the core values and principles are the guiding doctrine of the collaboration which are:
- All members to the collaboration are equal.
- The members operate under the guidance of the doctrine of mutual support and collaboration.
- The members are committed to the principles of participatory and sustainable development and providing assistance impartially and that they will not expose people they are working with to any form of discrimination, abuse or exploitation.
- In addition to the Plight and needs of the Youth/Young People, the members will as much as possible take appropriate measures such as affirmative action to ensure the participation of the equal gender engagement and participation and inclusion of the Young Persons with disabilities in all endeavours.
- The members believe in the principles of working cooperatively and in partnership, including the principles of empowerment, trust, reciprocal accountability and mutual respect.
- The members are committed to the “Principles of Good Partnership Practice”
- The members shall implement the programmes with the requisite care, efficiency, transparency and diligence, in line with best practice in the field concerned.
Fellow Citizens, the Youth and the Media
By establishing this Network and in respect of the scope of work, the organizations, party to this MoU, will ensure that Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) realizes the following:
- Provision of a well-coordinated structure/response to raise resources and champion the Youth/Young People’s General Plight and participation, democracy, good governance and free, fair, credible and peaceful elections in Zambia on August 12, 2021 and beyond;
- Provision of a platform for common learning, sharing information, collaboration, and combining efforts on issues of Youth/Young People’s General Plight and participation, democracy, good governance and free and fair elections;
- Since the members operate at different levels and in different parts of the country, the Network will provide them with one strong voice to champion Youth/Young People’s General Plight and participation, democracy, good governance and free and fair elections across the country (economies of scale);
- Helping to build technical and otherwise capacities in the member organizations;
- Creating linkages to programme or fundraising opportunities through the use of members’ comparative advantages;
- The Network will be a platform for consultation and consensus building;
- Provision of linkage and collaboration with other similar bodies and institutions locally including around the region and at international fora;
- The Network will demand accountability from Government and all other Duty Bearers (including Political Parties and Politicians) and all stakeholders on matters of Youth/Young People’s General Plight and participation.
The Network has also established a well-founded structure to the efficacy engagement of its members.
Tonse Youth Network Zambia as the name implies is for all and is open to all except for sellouts and betrayers – who will be exposed for who they are in the event they want to infiltrate this noble cause.
We shall stand firm and not allow any form of intimidation and abuse of any youth/young person in the country.
Our first point of call is remind all those, regardless of their status and position, that have been intimidating and abusing the Youth/Young People that their time is up as we have mobilized ourselves and will not entertain your schemes of divide and rule for the wheels of equity and justice have already begun to role and are in motion.
Tonse Youth Network Zambia has been birthed at a strategic moment during the critical stage electoral period – a mark of having no excuse in mobilizing the Youth across the country to participate and vote in the elections on 12 August, 2021, through civic and voter awareness, education and enhancement.
May God bless us all. Have a pleasant week ahead of you, I thank you all.
Guess Nyirenda
Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ)

Ian Banda 17 Aug 2017 being recorded by Terence Makondo at Pan African Radio 105.1FM “All People, Proud and Free!!!
Date: Wednesday 9th June, 2021
The Chairperson – Tonse Youth Network Zambia – Mr. Guess Nyirenda,
The Board Members of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNEZ present;
The Director of Ceremony – Madam Susan Mwape
The Executive Directors of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNEZ;
The Members and Secretariats of the Youth Focused/Youth Led Organisations in the TYNET present;
The Members of the Media and Comrades;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen and invited guests,
May I simply say all protocol observed
I deem it a great privilege to propose a vote of thanks on behalf of the Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ) and indeed on my own behalf. As a Member of the Tonse Youth Network Zambia (TYNEZ), I am not only delighted and thrilled but also encouraged at this innovation to collaborate by the Youth Focused and Youth Led organisations in Zambia. I must note from the outset that this initiative of working together for the demand of genuine Youth Participation emancipation is extremely inevitable especially at this point in time when young people have rights and freedoms infringed by those that wield power and money.
Mr. Chairperson, ladies and gentlemen, fellow Youth and the Media
The mention of the issued that gravely concern us the youth in the Chairperson’s Speech such as the cosmetic approach employed by politicians and duty bearers in addressing our plight especially that of Young Women and Young People with Disabilities, disrespecting us, refusal to acknowledge our rights and freedoms, denying us jobs and keeping us in perpetual poverty and disempowered status cannot be overemphasized.
Indeed our coming together as Youth Focused/Youth Led organisations will not only mobilize the Youth to strategize and resist being abused by those that wield power and money but will also insulate them from being paraded and used as tools of political and electoral violence through the unsuspecting scheme of divide and rule by the powerful and rich.
Mr. Chairperson, ladies and gentlemen, fellow Youth and the Media
Guided by the Tonse Youth Network Zambia MoU, the Network will endeavour to propagate all progressive legal and policy framework documents at domestic, regional and international levels so as to have the Youth in Zambia claim their rightfully deserved space/place.
The inclusiveness of the Tonse Youth Network Zambia as the name says is already a milestone scored. The Youth, both female and male, the Youth with Disabilities including the different sectors of Youth Development and endeavours is entailing of the notion not to leave anyone behind in the Youth emancipation journey. This is as it should be.
Mr. Chairperson Sir, this flagging off of the Tonse Youth Network Zambia at this electoral period is not only timely but strategic as it motions the Network into engaging the Youth in effective participation in the elections on 12 August, 2021.
I pray that the linkage and collaboration exhibited in this come together will be sustained as Zambians and the Youth of Zambia need it than ever before.
May I, on behave of the Youth Focused, Youth Led Organisations and the Youth of Zambia pledge commitment to this initiative and thank you Mr. Chairperson most sincerely for this initiative and its launch.
Let us keep the Zambian hope ALIVE.
I thank you and God Bless us all
Ian Banda
Youth in Action for Disability Inclusion in Zambia (YADIZ)