Charles Chanda’s Northern Province land acquisition empowerment reduces Zambia’s 1.5 million housing units deficit
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UPPZ leader Charles Chanda
Charles Chanda’s land acquisition empowerment reduces Zambia’s housing deficit
By Derrick Sinjela in Kasama, Northern Province, Zambia
A WORKING visit to the Northern Province had resulted in United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda acquiring a 400 hectare farm block and a 250 plot site land in Kasama.
A practical Mr. Chanda is in the Northern Province inspecting UPPZ projects, bragging that the party is the only one in Zambia with a countrywide infrastructure project in Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western provinces.
In addition, Chanda has secured 1,900 hectares of land in Mbala, Northern Province, an empowerment acquisition that will reduce Zambia’s housing deficit.
United Church of Zambia (UCZ) member Felisters Banda and a musical Jairos Sichula of Mbala, Northern Province described the acquisition of land as a wonderful development, being in mind difficulty by ordinary citizens access to commercial and domestic land on which to build houses and business enterprises.
During a Thursday 15th November 2018 Lusaka National Housing Symposium, Civic Forum on Housing and Habitant Zambia (CFHHZ) Executive Director Grace Chikumo Mtonga pegged Zambia’s housing deficit at 1.5 million housing units, a lack feared to rise to a 3.3 million figure once the status quo remained.

UPPZ President Mr. Charles Chanda on a May-June 2021 Working Visit to the Northern Province
Pledged Chanda: “UPPZ is the only political party that has infrastructure projects countrywide. During my working visit to the Northern Province, I will take time to inspect the road project, construction of a Police Post, clinic, later visit a 400 hectare farm block and a 250 plot site”.
In paraphrasing the description of democracy as government of the people by the prople for the people, an optimistic Chanda implored: “UPPZ is a people’s government working for the people“.

Civic Forum on Housing and Habitant Zambia (CFHHZ) Executive Director Grace Chikumo Mtonga