Thursday 11th March 2021 Press Release by Interim United National Independence Party (UNIP) President Lt. Col. Henry Muyoba (Rtd)
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Interim UNIP President Lt. Col. Henry Muyoba (Rtd)
Thursday 11th March 2021 Press Release
10:00hrs – 11:00hrs
VENUE: Plot189 Villa Elizabetha next to ZRA on Luanshya Road
United National Independence Party
By Lt Col. Henry Muyoba (Rtd)
Interim UNIP President
CELL: +260977513304
I wish to welcome members of the press, all ladies and gentlemen to this UNIP press briefing and kindly feel at home.
- I wish in the first place to state that I am one of the aspiring UNIP presidential candidates and with what I shall do for Zambian people. My political experience background is as follows.
– I joined UNIP in 1959 as a freedom fighter and I have never left UNIP for another political party.
-I was a UNIP youth secretary for Kabwata during the struggle for Zambia’s independence, I was incharge of mobilization for UNIP in Lusaka especially the youth in Matero, Chinika, Chibolya, Kamwala, Kabwata and Chilenje.
– I attended various political education courses and when I joined Zambia Air Force in 1965 and in 1973 I became I a political commissar for ZAF up to 1986 when I retired.
– In 1986 I was appointed a member of rural development committee under the chairmanship of late Mr. Ruben Chitandika Kamanga upt to 1991.
– I took part in formimg political committees at places of work in Zambia during UNIP government and I served as a board member for various parastatals including Zambia National holdings Ltd custodian of UNIP assets.
– In 1988 I was elected Member of Parliament for Shiwangandu.
– I was appointed Isoka district governor in 1988 and contributed to the well-being of UNIP politically, economically, socially and culturally in the district.
– 1989 I was elected MCC (Member of the central committee) and took part in all important decisions affecting UNIP and Zambia.
– 1989 I was appointed Lusaka district senior governor upto 1991. (Minister of State) and with combination of other responsibilities stated above, I gained more experience in political matters in UNIP mobilization and national development projects.
UNIP and Zambia requires a mature and experienced leader politically, economically, socially and culturally to bring sanity in the affairs of the country.
- In 1959 all 73 Zambia’s tribes participated in the struggle for Zambia’s independence and I was one person Instrumental in the creation in 1964 of UNIP assets for future UNIP generations under Zambian National Holdings Limited a Custodian Company of UNIP assets.
UNIP in its current state and Zambia requires honest leadership with clean hands and experience like myself. Age is not a factor in politics but political capacity is the answer.
I’m a military officer trained locally and in UK. In 1977 I obtained my masters in IPS (Institute of Purchasing and supply) and became a lecturer at MIMOSA – Lusaka training college. Under my leadership UNIP will go back to 1968 economic reform which placed the economy in hands of Zambians. Under mixed economy foreigners are welcome to partner with Zambians for specific period to be used for technology transfer to Zambians.
Parastatals at a big scale will come back and private sector will compete with parastatals. This process will empower Zambians and create employment opportunities for Zambians to better their living standards. Zambia under UNIP will go back to free education up to university and free medical care. Zambians during UNIP government from 1964 to 1991 enjoyed these facilities. Education and good health brings about desired nation development.
In 1991 Zambians were cheated that roads would be better, education would be cheap and better, civil service would be better and to my dismay these things have not been better for the poor Zambians. Today education is for the rich, medical care is for the rich even shopping centers are for the rich. My question to all my fellow Zambians is that “ is Zambia for the rich because everything has gone up” during UNIP government the bag of mea lie meal was costing k12.50ng per 50kg. The 25kg bag of meal lie meal costed k6.50.
UNIP politicies and programmes will ensure Zambians go back to having three (3) meals per day. UNIP cannot make false promises all that is contained in this document are based on previous achievements during UNIP government from 1964 to 1991. For sure UNIP will create better Zambian foreign reserves and as before have a single digit foreign exchange.
UNIP government as before will play a role in all exports leaving Zambia by private sector or parastatals. Some economic sectors will only be reserved for Zambians as before who shall be empowered to run such sectors
As per UNIP culture all government ministries shall be reformed to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in their operations. There shall be zero tolerance on corruption in Zambia as before during UNIP government.
As per Zambian God given good traditions UNIP will go back to the values of one Zambia one nation created by 73 tribes from 1959 during the struggle for our independence and good governance from 1964 up to 1991 when 73 tribes became one tribe a process that abolished tribalism in Zambia and created love as a stepping stone to support one another and develop Zambia during UNIP government.
UNIP will as before use socialism as a stepping stone to humanism a better society for all Zambians. Humanism is a Christian philosophy with very rich human Christian values.
UNIP will abolish class society in our Christian nation of rich and poor as before this development is very sad for a Christian nation.
UNIP political, economic, social and cultural sectors policies for Zambia as a Christian nation shall be organized and implemented under philosophy of humanism to ensure all Zambians fully benefits.
For twenty years (20) UNIP never had a General Congress, no MP and no councilor as a former ruling party. It pained some members and in the process we formed a pressure group which has necessitated for UNIP holding a general Congress in 2021.
Political leadership for young men and women in Zambia is about making money during their leadership time as results since 1991 to date Zambia has been messed up no free leadership services. Love for the poor, freedom fighters, aged and handicapped is not there in a Christian nation. I will correct the situation and go back to UNIP era to look after the poor stamp out laziness, high crime wave and corruption. As per UNIP policies and nation programmes all Zambians are equal.
I am appealing to UNIP members to prepare for party Congress to be held soon later for General National Elections. I’m also appealing to Zambian people to remain peaceful before and after elections. I wish at same time to appeal to well-wishers to come on board for financial assistance to enable UNIP hold the General Congress soon.
Lt. Col. Henry Muyoba (Rtd)
Interim UNIP President
CELL: +260977513304

Interim UNIP President Lt. Col. Henry Muyoba (Rtd)