Raphael Mangani Nakachinda vows to block Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba’s New Hope MMD Saturday 20th March 2021 Convention
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Mr. Raphael Mangani Nakachinda acknowledges support – Picture by DASCO Media
Raphael Mangani Nakachinda vows to block Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba’s New Hope MMD Saturday 20th March 2021 Convention
Raphael Mangani Nakachinda’s Operation Save Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) leadership has vowed to stop the scheduled Hew Hope MMD National Convection set for Saturday 20th March 2021 in Lusaka and virtually.
Addressing the Zambian Media in Lusaka, on Sunday 14th March 2021, Operation Save MMD National Secretary, Raphael Nakacinda directed all bonafide MMD Members to boycott and desist from participate at the said convention either remotely or by zoom platform.
The Position was taken following Consultative Conference with party leaders from Zambia’s 10 provinces held on Saturday 13th March 2021in Lusaka.
A nominated Member of Parliament has disclosed that MMD through its consultative meeting yesterday resolved to support the candidature of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu in the Thursday 12th August 2021 general elections.
The Operation Save MMD leadership has vowed to stop the scheduled MMD National Convection in set for Saturday 20th March 2021.
Addressing the media in Lusaka, Operation Save MMD National Secretary, Raphael Nakacinda has since directed all MMD members not to participate in the said convention either remotely or by zoom platform.
Mr. Nakacinda says this follows the consultative conference with the all party leaders from the 10 provinces held on Saturday in Lusaka.
And Mr. Nakacinda, a Nominated Member of Parliament (MP), disclosed that MMD through its consultative meeting yesterday resolved to support the candidature of President Lungu in the Thursday 12th August 2021 Presidential, Parliamentary and General Elections.

Mr. Raphael Mangani Nakachinda acknowledges support – Picture by DASCO Media