Zambian Philosopher and Author Amb. Dr. Edgar Ng’oma’s “Wisdom Corner ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ‘Fourth World Super Power from Creation Invented Population Control Techniques”.
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Author: SOAD Roving Ambassador Dr. Edgar Ng’oma, Zambian Philosopher
The way life has been designed, a predator was created for population control of animals of prey. However, the animal of prey was not created to be food for a predator.
What am I saying? A woman was created for a man to reproduce himself but a man was not created for a woman. I don’t know whether I have started making sense now?
However Man exist on earth for its management purposes, that is the greatest role of man, however man has instead mismanaged this earth, unfortunately, as a predator Lion is King of the jungle similarly on a human society, a white race has been incharge of this world siince 2, 400 years ago starting to rule the world when ancient Greece defeated the Medes and Persia which was the third world super in a role when Egypt was the first super power followed by Babylon who was defeated by Medes and Persia (Iran ).
The forms of government we have today were perfected and some created by Greece. The political theories and systems we have today were created by Philosophers like plato, Socrates etc. The government structures the entire world is using today were perfected and some created in Greece.
Population control was hatched through birth control and deliberate instigation and sponsorship of wars, promotion of disasters some of them deliberately created, these were all started in ancient Greece by a white man.
Society for family health and Bill Gates melinda foundation sprung back with their origins in ancient Greece 2400 years ago.
I have no doubt in human race equation ecosystem a whiteman is a predator on the black race and I make no apologies about it.
Just like a lion and hyena are predators on gazelles for population control so is a white man, like predators are in the wild, a white man is in total control of this world, dictating our destiney and survival with the blackman’s life is at his mercy.
It is important for us to understand what our problem is as a race. Know that there is no equality between animal of prey and a predator, between Malcom X and Dr. Martin Luther King jr., Malcom X was right because he understood that he , ( blackman ) was not equal to a whiteman as opposed to Emperor Haile Selassie, Marcas Gavey , Steve Biko, Robert Nestor Marley and Martin Luther King jr. who thought the difference between the two races black and white , are the color of their skin a song Bob Marley sung quoting the speech Emperor HaileSelassie gave during UN summit in NewYork, far from it, there are more than 360 physiological differences between black and white man and Malcolm understood this reality. Indeed my people perish for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. Even when the whiteman has on several times denied this equality almost revealing to the black man that your father and our father are two different creatures but that we share the same mother, but Martin Luther King jr.and others mentioned above couldn’t understand thisreality, I am attempted to reveal what the whiteman know which I author of this article also know.

Malcolm X
This is why Malcom X wanted the white man to restore his religious liberties and his cultural identity so that he, the blackman, must exist as natural as he was before he was stripped off his liberties and identity , the blackman even lost his african names which is his identity, this is why our Prime Minister of our government of the State of the African diaspora is Louis Georges Tin now, his ancestor was stripped off his identity by obviously a french slave master. This is what Malcom X wanted reversed as opposed to King jr. who just wanted a blackman to have equal rights to exist side by side to a whiteman.
This is the reason why I have allocated land to the State of the African diaspora in Zoollywood city to come and bring unprecedented development and their village residential complex to monitor the many developmental projects they are poised to bring to their mother Africa.
For us the black race to deal with our vulnerability squarely, we need to understand who we are in this human society ecosystem.
The Arabs were once a superpower, the Chinese are a superpower, whites have been a superpower since 2400 yearsago, very soon we BLACKS are without doubt through this government of the Africa 6th region will emerge as a superpower of the world especiallyso with the initiatives they are coming back with to their Mama Africa. We have been a sleeping elephant for a very long time now.
Now is the time to do it, the diaspora government will equip native African with the necessary tools which we are in so much in need.
I submit.
*Author Dr. Edgar Ng’oma Philosopher (Roving Ambassador for State of the African diaspora).*

Zambian Philosopher and Author SOAD Ambassador Dr. Edgar Ngoma