Govt. committed to promote women, girl’s reproductive health and rights – PS Daniels Chisenda …as GRZ, UNFPA and other multi-sectoral stakeholders map-out 2021 priorities
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MNDP/5/6/1Media Statement For Immediate ReleaseGovt. committed to promote women, girl’s reproductive health and rights – PS Daniels Chisenda…as GRZ, UNFPA and other multi-sectoral stakeholders map-out 2021 prioritiesLUSAKA, Thursday, 10 December 2020 –PS Daniels Chisenda
Ministry of National Development PlanningPermanent Secretary Danies Chisenda says the Government remains steadfastly committed touplift people’s well-being especially women and girls by upholding sexual and reproductivehealth and reproductive rights for all.In a statement read on his behalf by the Ministry’s Director for Population and Development Mr.Charles Banda at the official opening of the 2020 GRZ/UNFPA 8th Country Programme AnnualReview and 2021 Planning Meeting in Lusaka, Mr. Chisenda commended the United NationalPopulation Fund (UNFPA) for its continued collaboration with the Zambian Government toimprove the welfare of the people.Director for Population and Development Mr.
Charles BandaMr. Chisenda, who is Permanent Secretary in charge of Development Cooperation, Monitoringand Evaluation, said the 2020 annual review and planning meeting presented a great opportunityto all multi-sectoral participants to reflect on the implementation status, and determine to whatextent the work was leading towards the desired development outcomes.“Government has sharpened its resolve in guiding the country on population matters bylaunching the 2019 National Population Policy and its Implementation Plan this year. Theimplementation plan has clear targets; and as we plan for next year, it will be vital that allstakeholders refer to the two documents to guide our immediate results,” Mr. Chisenda said. “Iassure you that the Government through our ministry is committed to track progress on theimplementation of the 8th GRZ/UNFPA Country Programme on population and development toensure that critical targets are achieved as detailed in our various work plans.”Director for Population and Development Mr.
Charles BandaThe Permanent Secretary noted that the Government of Zambia was cognisant of some setbacks in the implementation of the 2020 annual works due to COVID-19 and other natural disasters.“Whatever the context, whether COVID-19 or a climate-related disaster or any other crisis, the8th Country Programme’s focus remains on uplifting people especially women and girls byupholding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights for all. You all may be awareCOVID-19 has unmasked the extent to which such crises exacerbate inequalities,” Mr. Chisendasaid. “Zambia and UNFPA have worked well together even in this COVID-19 environment andfor this, the UNFPA Country Office – through the able leadership of the Country RepresentativeMadam Gift Malunga – is greatly appreciated.”1
And UNFPA Country Representative Gift Malunga reaffirmed UNFPA’s commitment to sustain its support to Zambia and partners towards securing the health and wellbeing of all women and young people.She noted that COVID-19 had presented unprecedented challenges to humanity.“Despite this setback, we have all demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability as we have continued to deliver on our mandate which is even more critical in times like these when we need to continue to safeguard the health and wellbeing of women and young people,” said Ms. Malunga.UNFPA Country Representative Gift Malunga
She expressed optimism that the participants will deliver on the 2021 priorities.“Some of these priorities include: Supporting continuity of essential Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including maternal health care services that have been disrupted, with potentially serious implications for maternal and new-born health; procurement and supply offamily planning commodities; adolescent and youth SRH and empowerment; prevention and response to Gender Based Violence (GBV) and support for the Population and Housing Census; and advancing the Demographic Dividend.”Under the 8th Country Programme (2016-2020), UNFPA supports Zambia in implementing its national priorities as articulated in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership Framework (UNSDPF).UNFPA Country Representative Gift Malunga
Issued byChibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.)SpokespersonMINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNINGTel: +260211252409Email: Website: David Silwamba (Mr.)