Friday 25th December 2020 Press Statement – By Leadership Movement President Dr. Richard Silumbe
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Dear country men and women,
On this Christmas Eve, the Leadership Movement delegation led by the National Chairman Mr. David Kalumba and the Secretary General Mr. Brown Sinyangwe visited a community of vulnerable and disadvantaged women, to learn their challenges in our society. During this visit, the Leadership Movement donated some bags of Millie Meal and other food staff to the vulnerable community. The delegation learned a lot about the difficulties these voiceless people are facing in our society. They also learned that what these people need is a little empowerment so that they can apply themselves using their talent to earn a living.

On Thursday 24th December 2020 Christmas Eve, the Leadership Movement delegation led by the National Chairman Mr. David Kalumba and the Secretary General Mr. Brown Sinyangwe visited a community of vulnerable and disadvantaged women, to learn their challenges in our society – Picture by Leadership Movement Media Team
As Leadership Movement (LM) party, we believe that everybody in this country has something to contribute to the development of mother Zambia, young or old, Rich or Poor, Disabled or Not-disabled. We all have something to contribute to the development of this country!
Now my massage to the Zambian people is that, as we get into 2021, let us think about the future of this country and vote wisely in 2021. Let us NOT vote based on a tribe! Let us vote for visionary leadership (leaders who see what others can’t see)! And a visionary leader can be of any tribe, it’s one Zambia one nation! I have seen Great Tongas, Great Bembas, Great Lozis, Great Chewas, etc all tribes have contributed greatly to leadership in Zambia.
And all through history, Zambia has only seen change when Zambians from all tribes came together, united for a common ground! In 1964, the Great Kenneth Kaunda, the Great Harry Mwanga Nkumbula and the Great King Lewanika came together and delivered our independence. In 1991, Northern province, Southern province, Western province and all other provinces united to bring about a multiparty democracy. In 2011, from Nakonde to Livingstone, from Mongu to Chipata many people yearned for change and worked together to deliver that change. We only succeed as a country when we break tribal barriers and unite for a common cause.
Today, many Zambians have nothing to be proud of, about being a Zambian! They see the poverty, the corruption, the joblessness, the rampage of our natural resources (Gold, Copper, Land) by foreigners, the hopelessness in the streets and villages. But inspite of this, let us not lose hope! What self-centred people have destroyed, others-centred people can build!
In 2021, we want to bring back the glory of mother Zambia! We want to bring back the great sense (feeling) of pride that we had after winning the Africa Cup of Nations in 2012; (Thanks to those great Zambians who played soccer like never before, so well that they invoked a great Zambian spirit and united the whole country with a sense of greatness. I was proud for the first time to be a Zambian); we cerebrated together, rich and poor, young and old; we felt proud to be Zambians! We want to bring back this great Zambian spirit! We want to be proud again! We want to be great again! We want to be Zambitous again!
Under the Leadership Movement (LM) government, Zambia will start winning again. We will win on agriculture, we will make Zambia Africa’s biggest producer of food and cash crops! We will create state farms in every district! We will start producing again, we will bring back companies like kapiri-glass, mansa batteries, kafue textiles, and many more other companies will be created, we will start making things again! We will make Zambia a producing country again! We will transform our weaknesses into our strength: being a landlocked country will allow us to export more products to many neighbouring countries like Congo DR, Angola, Zimbabwe, etc and bring forex into our country; having a weak kwacha will enable other countries to import more products from Zambia– production will be the game changer! Its Production, Production, Production! We will win on jobs! We will create jobs like never before! We will make Zambia a winning country again!
Under the Leadership Movement (LM) government, we will work tirelessly and unrelentingly to ensure that no vulnerable person is left behind. No orphan will be left to walk the streets in search of food. No widow will be left alone to fend for her family. It will be a government that feeds the hungry, that heals the sick, that comforts those who are widowed, and provides shelter to the homeless!
Under the Leadership Movement (LM) government, Police officers will be more concerned about public safety than private wealth. They will nolonger be subdued by cadres! They will work with maximum professionalism! We will be proud of our police officers again! We will be proud of all our Men and Women in uniform again!

Leadership Movement President Dr. Richard Silumbe with National Chairperson David Kalumba and Secretary Generala Brown Sinyangwe aat a Press Brief Monday 13 April 2020 Chalala Lusaka pix by Derrick Sinjela

Dr. Richard Silumbe The Leadership Movement ( LM) President
Rise Up! Dust Yourselves Up! Roll Up Your Sleeves and begin to work! Zambia Shall Be Great!
Dr. Richard Silumbe President of the Leadership Movement (LM)