Giving Without Instructing [Avoiding the arrogance of impositions] – Chief Pilgrim Dr. Canisius Banda writes]
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[Chief Pilgrim Dr Canisius Banda writes]
[Avoiding the arrogance of impositions]
The premise of the foreign policy of many of the so called First World countries is wrong.
It is still imperial in its essence.
We must civilise the brutes, they say.
But they ignore that theirs could be a critical fundamental error of perception for they themselves might be the brutes that require improving.
This policy of theirs does NOT promote the mutual coexistence of nations.
Instead it seeks to give birth to a homogeneous world, a world whose culture is their own.
Cultural colonialism is the tacit or overt end of their relations with foreign States.
Their end seems to be the annihilation of all other original forms of culture save their own, regardless of how debauched or decadent their own might be.
This view of the world is not only conceited, parochial and overbearing but it is also dangerous.
Sameness creates redundancy and quick decay.
What these nations are obllivious to or choose to ignore is that a multi-polar world, one rich in diversity is better and far stronger for the survival and wellbeing of humankind.
For mankind to survive and flourish, it is required that we NOT all have the same genetic makeup, we must NOT be the same in behaviour or composition.
To them, it is either you are like us or you are our enemy, you are our colony or you are against our culture.
Wielding influence and brute force, in recent times, these nations have increasingly seized/taken control of multinational organisations such as the United Nations, World Bank and IMF to push their agenda and occasion their dreams or hegemonic ambitions.
A useful strategic vehicle of theirs has been a rights-based approach to human development.
This is how small countries such as Zambia have had their sovereignty bastardized or ignored and, through coercion ,have had cultural remodeling initiated in them.
Take the recent failure in parliament of the Bill NOT to allow CSE [Comprehensive Sexuality Education] in our schools.
Interestingly, some cognitively lame citizens, citizens devoid of the required depth of analysis and discernment rejoiced at this failure as if crazed demons in some hypnotic state doing the most macabre of dances.
This is a classic example of what powerful forces of global change exist beyond what that poorly naked eye can fathom.
This is what happens when a country seeking self-determination is poor, indebted and weak.
Poverty itself then becomes a hindrance to the assertion of that sovereignty.
Today Zambia has to be told what to teach its own children.
Sadly, it cannot ,by itself, decide what behavioural apps to install onto its own children. And yet we go on celebrating our independence!
We are advised to watch what we teach the child, for when the child becomes an adult, he or she will NOT depart from what was taught.
Catch them early and you will change their culture, this is the driving rationale behind targeting our children with these nefarious curricula.
Note that anyone or any nation against such impositions will face carefully orchestrated aid withdrawal, sanctions or war.
These bullying tactics are used all the time to ensure compliance, to ensure that their foreign policies are seeded into target alien territories and that they bear fruit in these lands.
Such national or group arrogance is a veritable danger to world peace.
Using the foregoing argument, be wary for soon, under the guise of global public health safety, the United Nations might again be used to cow all the world’s poor nations to immunise all its people with a vaccine from one company.
Note that there is NO public health rationale grounded in sound science that requires that ALL people are immunised, worse still with an experimental or new vaccine.
It should follow then that, as their right, those who opt out must also be protected by law.
Further, possibly, the vaccine batches coming to these backwater countries might NOT even be the same as the one given to their own people.
It is the requirement of all guardians of the Earth to ensure that truth and freedom prevail.
Arise you all advocates of diversity, freedom, multipolarity of global power and the mutually beneficial co-existence of nations!
The diversity of cultures must be preserved.
Multipolarity of views, decision-making and power should be encouraged.
What is encouraging is that the default-setting of human life on Earth is good.
And any behaviour that depicts departs from good shall fail.
It follows then that the victory of the assignment of all Guardians of the Earth is intrinsic to their cause. It is inevitable.
Soldiers might change, but victory is certain.
Any nation that seeks to change another and make it like itself will fail.
The same is true of people. There is NOT one adult person that can change another.
This then is the immutable law of coexistence.
Truth is, in diversity, with a wide array of differences, we can all prosper and live peacefully, one with the other.
National prosperity is neither Western NOR Eastern. It is original.
All nations therefore must learn to GIVE without INSTRUCTING.
It is a dictate of nature to be different. Different we will remain, original and proud.
Peace to ya all!
Dr. Canisius BANDA
Development Activist

Dr. Canisius BANDA
Development Activist

Dr. Canisius BANDA
Development Activist