THE DEATH OF A YOUNG LION…James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku
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THE DEATH OF A YOUNG LION…James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku
By Dr. Cephas Mukuka Political Researcher
I WOKE up early on the Sunday 1st November 2020 not to exercise as I do on daily basis, but to write my assignments from school.
Suddenly I went into a trance,I saw myself writing a message of condolence; it was on James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku, and that he had died.
Slightly after 5 minutes I got a call from my elder brother, Charles Mukuka , from Ndola.
The message was that the Republucan Progressive Party (RPP), President Lukuku had died.
I then explained the trance I had few minutes before his call.

THE DEATH OF A YOUNG LION…James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku died Saturday 31st October 2020
I first heard of him when he spoke on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), and the talk was about Fred M’membe, and the Post Newspaper.

Socialist Party – Zambia 2021 Presidential Candidate Dr Fred M’membe with Prisoner of Conscience (PoC Lus4818/18 Derrick Sinjela
In 2014, Lukuku walked in my office at the bank requesting to be an agent of my bank.
Head Office authorised me to visit his pupported offices in Kabwata Estates and the deal never materialised.
During his visit to the bank ,he explained to me about his intentions to get into serious active Politics once again.
Young Lukuku was passionate about his nation and all it’s social, economical, and political happenings henceforth.
He equally followed closely what was latest in the media and would swiftly respond through his various and numerous articles.

Leslie Chikuse
Some articles landed young Lukuku in police custody and I remember one day phoning his Vice President, Leslie Chikuse with intentions of visiting him at the police station in Kabwata if not in Woodlands.
I failed to visit him as the same day I made my request,he got released .
Young Lukuku exhibited courage, braveness, and fearlessness at the way he conducted himself.
The young was slowly transforming himself into an adult lion so as to attack, conquer, and subdue his pupported political rivals at an opptune time .
He had an idea of what was taking place in his beloved nation.
He believed beyond reasonable doubt that one day he would be in government and offer his best to his nation,hence his voicing out strongly so as to attack, and conquer through elections of course.
I send my heartfelt condolences to the family,relatives, and the Opposition Alliance led by United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema.

New Labour Party (NLP) leader, Fresher Siwale, United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema and Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) leader Charles Lubasi Milupi
Lukuku, like all of us had his own strengths and weaknesses.
He made mistakes like all of us and has today died like all of us are appointed to die once and after that judgement.
Mwaiche wandi Lukuku,wanakila kumushili,tusha muchibote chamfumu _my young brother Lukuku,you have been swallowed by the grave in case death,rest in peace in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dr. Cephas Mukuka
Political Researcher

MMD Spokesperson Dr. Cephas Mukuka