Monday 24th August 2020 MMD Media Statement by New Hope MMD National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika
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New Hope MMD National Secretary (NS) Ms. Elizabeth Chitika with her deputy Mr. Gregory Mofu Monday 24 August 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
Monday 24th August 2020 MMD Media Statement
by Hon Elizabeth Chitika
National Secretary
Members of the Press, WE HAVE invited you here in order to set the record about our party straight.
I wish to respond to the rantings of one Raphael Nakachinda over the weekend. I do so knowing that he does not deserve a response from us but for the sake of those who are vulnerable and easily swayed I wish to clear the lies told.
Firstly let me state clearly that every dog has its day. Nakachinda will find what he is looking for and that day is not far. Meantime, let me restate for the 100th time that he is not a member of our party. He remains expelled and has no single right to speak on behalf of the MMD.

MMD Muchinga Member of Parliament (MP) Howard Kinda with Nominated MP Raphael Nakachinda from Operation Save MMD Sunday 23 August 2020 at a Kwacha Road Media Briefing in Lusaka – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
*The Double Standard of the Police*
It is clear to see that the Zambia police is two-faced when it comes to the MMD. Last week some pastors in Linda compound here in Lusaka invited the Party President Dr Nevers Mumba for fellowship and the police despite notification stopped the meeting from taking place, meanwhile they continue to aid an illegal group. It seems the police under the PF are a political wing of the ruling party. Both the IG and the Deputy IG were informed of the planned meeting ahead of time and had the address of the meeting place. When a law enforcement agency becomes lawless then it is clear that chaos and violence follows. The police have become a threat to peace in the nation. If the same command remains in office until election time, Zambia may experience mayhem. We need a professional police service which serves all Zambians equitably. The current police is a ruling party security wing.

New Hope MMD National Secretary (NS) Ms. Elizabeth Chitika with her deputy Mr. Gregory Mofu Monday 24 August 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela
It is laughable that the expelled MPs were announcing their expulsion from the party. I can confirm that we have indeed expelled them because they do not work with the party. The reasons which they gave the public yesterday are their own imagination. The MMD is a party of discipline and order and shall not compromise its values for overrated individuals who believe their mere connection to PF is the License to arrogance. These members’ disciplinary action was recommended by the own constituency and district committees and due process was followed, that is why it took this long. If they think dancing in that manner in the public will save them, we wish them well.
We are participating in the forth coming by-elections. Our campaign teams are on the ground and we are excited that after such a long time of absence from elections, we are back again.
We are looking forward to a good, violence free and issue based campaign.
For Nakachinda and his band of stick-ons, all he lives for is to please the Patriotic Front. When we say they are not MMD this is what we mean. If they even were remotely members of this party, they would be excited to contest in elections and not endorse another party.
For 3 and half years when they illegally posed as leaders of our party, all they were, was to be dancing queens at PF events. Even now, in their shock, all they wish to be is to be mercenaries for another political party against another. The simpler thing for them to do is to openly join the Patriotic Front, but of course that would cut of funding for their mercenary activities such as they had the other day. What a terrible and hopeless life to lead. No purpose, no dignity and no certain future.
On the other hand, we wish to warn the PF about these so called endorsements from Nakachinda. Everyone can see that all that Nakachinda is doing is putting up a dance (as his name seems to suggest) for them. Kalela ne mfunkutu aleshana. But it is for the PF to continue to pay him for his dances while their own members remain without help. We wish to warn that, should they carry that falsehood of the so called alliance, into the campaign we shall petition the election. In the same vein, We have also written to the Elections body (ECZ) about this act of provocation ahead of the by elections. We demand that the PF publicly distance themselves from Nakachinda’s statement about MMD supporting the PF candidate in the forth coming by-elections. If they don’t, we wish to put it on record that we shall petition these elections.
We wish to inform the nation that we have completed visits to 6 provinces in the past two months and are now going to the rest of the country. We have taken a short break in order to participate in the elections, before we continue. The mood in our party across the nation is extremely that of high morale. It is clear to most Zambians now that our Party President Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba has become the candidate of choice for President in the 2021 Presidential elections. Most Zambians are openly declaring that they now want a God fearing leader who shall fully interpret and implement the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation.

Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba on MMD Democracy Day Thursday 30 July 2020 pix by Derrick Sinjela
Our members are so excited and have been donating their monies under very difficult circumstances in order to prepare for both the Convention and 2021 General elections.
On behalf of the National Executive Committee, I wish to assure our members Nation Wide to focus on the ongoing Mobilization in preparation to the elections next year. As for Nakachinda, he will soon be nabbed and brought to brutal justice which shall not only end his Kandile lifestyle but his fragile political career.
We are aware that the masters who are sending him needed a criminal to carry out these criminal activities. His masters know his history and are confident he can do criminal work. To disregard the Judgement of court is CONTEMPT and is a criminal offense. That makes him a criminal. We know that it’s not all policemen who are corrupt and unprofessional.
We also know that it is not every judge who is corrupt, we have some principled and honorable Judges. It’s just a matter of time, Nakachinda shall soon fall into one of these Judges’ hands and shall be sent back to prison. The only string keeping him out of jail is the PF string and it’s weakening by the day.

New Hope MMD National Secretary Elizabeth Chitika Monday 24 August 2020 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela