“Zambia must Strengthen Women’s Political Participation and Decision-Making Power,” pleads Hector Soondo
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Strengthen Women’s Political Participation and Decision-Making Power
Paving the way for more women in the political, and civic arena is an investment in more just, equitable, and peaceful societies.
Girls and women have a right to engage in civil society, vote in elections, be elected to Governance office, serve on boards, and make their voices heard in any process that will ultimately affect them, their families, and their communities. Investing in girls’ and women’s right to political participation is a necessary step to achieving global gender equality and democratic governance.
Need Evidence
and Strategies
Women in positions of authority tend to: resolve national crises without resorting to violence, advocate for social issues that benefit all, and allocate budgets to health and education
Political parties with strong female leadership on their boards have shown a return on equity that is annually from Political without
Investing in girls and women creates a ripple effect that yields multiple benefits, not only for individual women, but also for families, communities, and countries. This policy show that increasing women’s participation in politics leads to greater investments in education and Political parties with female board representation boast higher performance. UBZ Party also suggests that gender balance in the political sphere promotes gender balance in the workforce, which could double global GDP growth by 2025.
UBZ Party President Tells Women Leaders to Make their Voices Heard
Albanian UBZ President Tells Women Leaders to Make their Voices Heard
Doubling the Proportion of Women Politics in Zambia.
Doubling the Proportion of Women leadership in UBZ Party.
More women in political and civic arenas leads to more just, equitable, peaceful societies Deliver For Good Train, Run, Win, and Lead.
UBZ Party deliberately introduces Policies that
Eliminate structural and legal obstacles that hinder all girls’ and women’s participation in politics and decision-making, and hold those obstructing them accountable.
Offer training programs for young people, women, and men on political systems, girls’ and women’s right to participation, and roles in decision-making, as well as unconscious bias training and inclusion.
UBZ Party Introduced temporary quota systems and inclusive, gender-sensitive leadership pathways to help bring all girls and women into political spheres.
UBZ Party Secure equal visibility of female politicians and decision-makers, and promote more inclusive representation of leadership.
UBZ Party Promote women in leadership and decision-making roles at all levels, including at peace negotiation tables and in humanitarian emergencies.
UBZ Party Promote community and sport programs that foster leadership skills for girls and women and promote gender equality.
UBZ Party Support women’s leadership in the workplace through greater inclusion in executive positions and on corporate boards.
UBZ Party Introduced fund grassroots organizations that build the capacity of girls and women to participate both individually and collectively in social, economic, political, and public life.
UBZ Party observes that higher numbers of women in Politics generally contribute to stronger attention to women’s issues. Women’s political participation is a fundamental prerequisite for gender equality and genuine democracy. It facilitates women’s direct engagement in public decision-making and is a means of ensuring better accountability to women.
Political accountability to women begins with increasing the number of women in decision-making positions, but it cannot stop there. What is required are gender-sensitive governance reforms that will make all elected officials more effective at promoting gender equality in public policy and ensuring their implementation.
One of the pillars of UBZ Party Women’s work is advancing women’s political participation and good governance, to ensure that decision-making processes are participatory, responsive, equitable and inclusive.
UBZ Party is making Efforts to focus through strategic entry points that can advance the status of women by catalysing wide-ranging, long-term impacts.
UBZ Party Support, provids and equip women to translate the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, now ratified by the majority of the world’s governments, into legal guarantees of gender equality. Another strategy is through working with multiple stakeholders, like women’s organizations, governments, the UBZ party system is to bring more women into Politics and government, train women leaders, and boost women Leadership skills to actively participate in elections as candidates and voters.
*UBZ Party Women in Action*
Rural women leading in Timor-Leste.UB Party is supporting women’s political participation through a collection of programmes aimed at building the capacity of women to play effective roles as political actors and to improve the gender-responsiveness of governance structures.
The Programme for Enhancing Rural Women’s Leadership and Participation in Nation Building in Zambia. targets Zambian rural women, with the aim of building the capacity of women leaders and groups at the national and local levels to participate in the process of nation building.
*UBZ PARTY Objectives of PERWL:*
To promote transformative leadership, politics and communities through the active and reciprocal participation of women as members of constituencies and potential leaders in the political processes and governance at the local and community levels
To enhance the understanding, contribution of and benefits for rural communities, in particular women, on gender mainstreaming the nation building process as a method to further promote the process of transformative leadership and citizenship.
To contribute to government, Political planning, programming, policy development and budget allocation that is based on and responds to the socio-economic situation, needs and rights of rural women
Activities supporting increased participation of women in politics include:
Pre-electoral training of women candidates in 10 Provinces. Training focused on the concepts and principles of transformative leadership, politics and communities in order to prepare women for official duties and, if unelected, as active citizens within their local communities. Out of the women leaders trained on transformative leadership, 50% contested the elections and 50% of them should ensure they win Election, Moreover, originally targeting only women, but Programme will train both male and female members of the village councils Political parties in 10 Provinces in response to demand.
The Creation of a set of training modules about ˜Strengthening the Role of Women in UBZ party.
Trainers shall train on the use of the training modules.
UBZ Party Women will work closely with the National Executive Committee (NEC) Development in the implementation a policy decentralization program in two districts:
This program looks at different models of governance decentralization, such as sub-district and Provincial assemblies, been interested in what these alternative models may mean for women leadership and political participation in rural areas.
UBZ Party Women will conduct dialogue between national women leaders and women representatives in the UBZ party councils in 10 Provinces, an opportunity for women in the Provinces to interact and raise their concerns with national women leaders representing government ministries, NGOs and women parliamentarians. The dialogue will led the participants to agree on the strategies to improve linkages and support systems between national and local women leaders.
To consolidate the continued advocacy of the principles of transformative leaders, UBZ Party Women will partnership with other women from other Political parties with similar Objectives in woman participation in Politics designed and develop rights-based and gender-responsive civic education materials on the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia
UBZ Party Women will facilitate discussions between women from different political affiliations to develop a cross party Women’s Political Platform adopted in all Political parties contesting the elections.
UBZ Party Women will support the establishment of a Gender Resource Centre under the UBZ party and Parliament, which will build awareness of parliamentarians on gender-related issues.
Prior to the elections presidential, By-elections in Zambia, UBZ Party Women shall initiate a presidential debate on gender-based violence and women in politics, and ran workshops for women members of political parties. These activities will result in the signing of a landmark commitment to women’s political participation.
UBZ Party Women shall participate in gender-responsive governance in Zambia.
In Zambia, women remain underrepresented in political and decision-making positions. Even though Zambia takes pride in its history of women leaders and heroines, prevailing cultural and social norms in Zambia regard politics as a male arena.
The period of transition after a conflict provides an opportunity to create a democratic and equal society. To make the most of this critical period, UBZ Party Women shall support partners to:
Conduct a public seminar on “Women’s Political Participation: Towards Gender Responsive Democratic Governance in Zambia”
Conduct voter education workshops at the village level
Train women candidates in campaigning skills
Mobilize a media campaign encouraging women’s political participation
Engender the Qanun on the Execution of Elections, which now requires a 50% quota of women on the Independent Elections Committee and Election Oversight Committee
Engender the Qanun on Local Political Parties, which now requires that 50% of every political Party candidates are women
More women in Zambia communes
In Zambia, UBZ Party Women shall support women to take part in commune elections.
UBZ Party Women shall support the training by NGOs of over 60% of women who will contest the elections. UBZ Party women shall secure 8% of seats available for Women election seats.
UBZ Party care for Women
*United for better Zambia together we can*
Politically motivated violence has important economic effects. Apart from the direct impact of terrorism on its victims, it deters investment in the Country,
education and businesses. And the fear of violence has driven millions of people away from their homes during elections every years, subjecting them to terrible hardships.
The economic effects of violence can also be felt in the wider economy. Political violence fuels an element of fear that amplifies the effects of individual, investors and tourist Visitors attacks. As fear spreads, citizens may question whether governments have the power to provide security, which can have further detrimental economic effects.
United for better Zambia UBZ Party has taken interest in issues of Impact in Political Violence which is very important but difficult without the right kind of data. The fear of violence can be spread by information in the media and online, but quantifying sentiments is extremely hard. In addition, high-quality data on the economic activity that is affected by such sentiments is typically scarce in a country where violence is most prevalent. United for better Zambia UBZ Party has gathered insights from a novel source to address both these hurdles in the context of violent incidents in Zambia.
We can now consider monthly consumer spending pattern insights based on anonymized and aggregated transaction data in Zambia which Center for Inclusive Growth has allowed us to leverage.
These unique insights provide a window into economies that went through significant political and social turmoil like our Country Zambia. UBZ Party further analyze that violence in one location affects economic activity elsewhere in the country, thereby capturing the extent to which fear influences spending among residents, Business Community, Investors andTourist Visitors.
In addition, UBZ Party analyzed violence’s effect on tourism — a sector that is crucial for the region, and a source of low-skilled jobs. Tourism in the region has been in a steady decline since there was a surge in violence. With a better sense of the country from which tourist segments originate,
we now can monitor news coverage in our country to separate the perceptions of safety from the violence measured at the destination, to study the economic effects.
The anonymized and aggregated spending by Tourism visitors in Zambia during Elections period, where news coverage of the incident was less intense.
NOTE: Both lines in the figure are adjusted to examine deviations from normal seasonal spending patterns.
analysis revealed that news attention in Zambia. reached very high levels of coverage comparable to the peaceful that suggests a mechanism that might drive the different reaction in spending depicted in the chart above. Although fear seems likely to have struck Zambia tourists, it appeared to have taken root more strongly in Zambia, due to the broader media attention. It is also striking that Zambia spending returned to normal on a seasonally adjusted basis before another decline following exactly a year later.
we can study the impact of media-driven fear on consumer spending and how long it takes to return to normal. This type of analysis should help governments and aid agencies understand the role played by security in economic development. Currently, the link between the security and economic development is hard to quantify — with a better understanding, governments and development agencies will be able to weight the cost of these kinds of incidents better and devise strategies to help the affected firms. It also opens the door to understanding the separate role played by reporting on security which should help with devising communication strategies in insecure environments.
As UBZ party we have seen the important to address the political violence to make our nation develop Politically, Socially Economically.
As UBZ party we shall partner with any organization that has interest to address Political violence in our country.
*By UBZ Party*
Hector Soondo
United for a Better Zambia (UBZ) President

Hector Soondo
United for a Better Zambia (UBZ) President