Re-screen final selected 2017 student bursary prods Lewis Mwape
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Lewis Mwape Executive Director Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD)
Monday 2nd January, 2017, Lusaka
The Ministry of Higher Education must re-screen the final selected list of students that will be on student bursary scheme to eliminate those children whose parents or relatives have used their possitions to access facilities meant to benefit the poor and vulnerable households.
Our concern is that more than 60 percent of those who have been left out on scheme might be poor and vulnerable and may not afford to meet the cost of university education especially those coming from our rural areas and urban poor and vulnerable households.
While we appreciate the economic recovery measures, government must rethink and reconsider increasing the number of students to be included on the university bursary scheme. Under the circumstances, it is shameful, irresponsible and evil on the part of the Bursaries Committee if some of the children from well-to-do families have been offered bursaries leaving out eligible and legitimate children from vulnerable and poor households.
In the past, Bursaries Committee has not been transparent and accountable in executing its mandate as it has fallen prey to corrupt politicians, selfish senior government officials and other advantaged citizens who have deprived the poor and vulnerable people the right to education.
Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) still maintains that increasing the number of ministries was not necessary especially at such a time when university bursary vault is inadequately resourced. Surely “job creation” for politicians must NOT override the importance of educating our own citizens; majority of whom cannot afford the cost of university education.
Therefore, government must have no execuse to fail to educate its citizens in the name of economic recovery measures. We must point out here that all cost measures being undertaken must be for purpose of securing the future of our children regardless of the economic status of their parents/guardians.
Finances must be found to ensure that all children from vulnerable and poor households are put on the university bursary scheme.
Education is important for economic recovery and is also important for ending poverty and Inequality and as such government must heavily invest in present and future generations by ensuring that all eligible children for education bursaries/loans have access to the facility. We wish prosperous 2017. God Bless You.
Lewis Mwape Executive Director Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD)