George Sichimba’s update on Lusaka City Council certification of public gatherings, disinfection of public places
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Lusaka, Sunday, 31st May, 2020.
George Sichimba
Public Relations Manager -Lusaka City Council (LCC)
LUSAKA City Council (LCC) has certified 904 public gatherings in the last three weeks.
And LCC has disinfected 1421 public places since the COVID-19 pandemic was reported in Zambia.
Out of the 904 certified public gatherings, 143 are churches, 364 are marriage related gatherings (weddings, chilanga mulilo, matebeto) and 191 are restaurants.
Others are 22 gymnasiums, 88 casinos, 51 conferences, 07 festivals, 37 funerals and cinema.
The certification of public gatherings was embarked on following the pronouncement by the Republican President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, in his national address on 8th May, 2020 that churches, restaurants, gymnasiums, casinos and cinemas may start operating normally subject to certification and adherence to public health guidelines.
And LCC has disinfected 1421 public places in the city.
The disinfected public places include 86 markets, 854 trucks, 57 international buses and 400 rooms at the University of Zambia (during both the commissioning and decommissioning of UNZA as a quarantine centre).
Others are 06 bus stations, 05 police posts and 12 public offices.
LCC has also been actively participating in activities leading to the re-opening of schools for examination classes scheduled for 1st June, 2020.
Other COVID-19 prevention activities that the Council has been conducting during the period under review are provision of hand washing facilities to markets, bus stations and other public places, monitoring and enforcing Laws and Regulations including the Statutory Instrument No. 22 of 2020 and involvement in the burial of bodies of people who died of covid-19.
Health education and communication in communities, solid waste management and monitoring public places for compliance with public health guidelines have as well been going on.
The local authority appreciates its partners/ stakeholders for their support and not forgetting the role of the media in publicising LCC activities.
The Council values the of the media in the fight against COVID-19 and other activities.
Issued by:
George Sichimba
Public Relations Manager

LCC Public Relations Manager George Sichimba